WOMAN ON THE PULPIT [Bro. Francis] Forgive me for this - TopicsExpress


WOMAN ON THE PULPIT [Bro. Francis] Forgive me for this language, because I was prevented by many others to listen. Now, what are the basis that a woman do not stand on the pulpit? So, let’s focus on the pulpit, signal me the time. Now, the answer is this, the pulpit has no commandment in the Bible. [Bro. Menan] Amen [Bro. Francis] This is just a symbolism in tradition in the churches, in the past, previous churches, in the past churches. But of course their view is going very fast. I would like to repeat very slowly. In the New Testament, when they had their churches, in their houses. If a woman use the table to open the Bible there’s nothing wrong, even… before I forget this verse, everyone is sharing the Word Hebrews 2:5, everyone is sharing the Word. Now, that’s the original form of fellowship. You know this involves a lot of subject on how you worship in the Word. You don’t worship the Word just by listening, you worship in the Word by sharing the Word. And there’s another topic that passes by THE FIVE (5) FOLD MINISTRY, does the gift only refers to.. applied to men? The Five Fold Gifts, it sometimes fall onto women, I’m not gonna tackle that, the time is too short. Let’s just talk about the pulpit. The pulpit in the Bible is the time of Ezra, when he created a pulpit out of wood, to rebuke the children of Israel on intermarrying the Gentiles, pulling their hair, rebuking them. By the way, he improvised that pulpit, but there is no commandment, that “the pulpit is only for men.” There’s no commandment! By showing the Bible, I am allowing myself to be corrected. There is no Biblical commandment, it has become only a tradition. Let’s go forward into that tradition, when the pulpit was developed the pulpit has become a mainstay, a standard in the synagogues. What is a synagogue? The synagogue is a carbon copy of the temple. Because the temple has lost they have to make their improvised temple, their exile, and to place the altar, to place the Torah, like a pulpit, it is like a pulpit. Now, when Christianity was spreading like a wildfire, there were synagogues! Remember the first churches was in the house. There were converted churches from the synagogue. Today there are many Christians become Messianics. Before there were Judaism believers that became Christians it is like Messianic also. They accepted Christ but they have synagogues to gather there in Sabbath. That’s why you can read “would you come back the next Sabbath, and share to us?” that is where the 7th Day Adventist got their doctrine. “Oh, the apostles asked to return to the next Sabbath!” they must gather together on the next Sabbath! But it was just an event there, it was not a commandment! You have to take note, if you can read in the Bible, Ezra made the pulpit, it’s not yet a commandment, it was just an event that took place. If you’re gonna copy that event, there’s nothing wrong. If you will use that as an example how to worship, how to preach, and many others, music there’s nothing wrong, but if it not specifically commanded, you do not make a commandment out of it. Example, come back the next Sabbath, if you’re gonna gather on the next Sabbath, there is nothing wrong, but if you’re gonna make a commandment as though God commanded it, you have to come to the Sabbath God commands it! Then it is Mark 7:7, you know Mark 7:7? Teaching of doctrines a commandment of men. You made a commandments of it as they were the commandments of God. Now, by tradition the pulpit has become the commandments of men. Or some may say “you’re transgressing on what the prophet said?” Yes, I do not deny the prophet lifted up the pulpit as a holy place [Bro. Menan] Sacred place [Bro. Francis] Sacred place, so, what we have to progress, because he opens the door to revelation of the Bible, and we proceed to further revelation in the Bible! If the Bible commands a woman do not stand behind the pulpit, you know in my previous church, Ptr. Villagonza, he does not allow woman ministers, but women can stand behind the pulpit. They can sing songs behind the pulpit! They can offer songs, they can give testimonies behind the pulpit. It just so happened someone was sharing the Word of God, a woman was sharing the Word of God “oh, she is acting like a minister, she is usurping authority.” Now, I’m gonna go… how many minutes left? Minutes left? Tell me? [Bro. Menan] 6 minutes [Bro. Francis] Ok, I would like to answer this… Bro. Mio gave a different version of why a woman should keep in silent? I’m gonna give my version. It’s alright since this is a minister’s meeting. In 1 Timothy 2:13-14, there’s another in 1 Corinthians 14: 24-25 suffer a woman not to teach nor to usurp authority, this is chapter Timothy. Now, the woman that could not teach in Timothy 2, is usurping authority over the man. So, you could not teach as though you were usurping authority over the man. [Bro. Menan] Amen [Bro. Francis] We are talking about of course the ministers, brethren in the church, ok. You cannot act as though you were the leader. Coming from the message, I also believe that a woman could not be called by God to be a leader because a woman is set by God to be subordinate to the man. Of course the woman could rise up as a co-helpmate of a man. Sometimes she does something a man does. Now, let’s go back to USURP AUTHORITY, the TEACH in 1 Timothy 2:13, I suffer not a woman to teach is having authority over the man, but my question, can you teach, can you share something that looks like you were teaching but you were not usurping authority? [Bro. Menan] Amen [Bro. Francis] Maybe you got used to the word “teach” as meaning authority. Now, there are other Scriptures about teach, open up your Bible Hebrews 5:12, Bro. Mio could you read for us in English. Please read for us. [Bro. Mio] Hebrews 5:12 For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat. [Bro. Francis] From the time you ought to be… [Bro. Menan] Teachers [Bro. Francis] Teachers, from the time he ought, are they just men? Or men or women in the church? [Bro. Francis] Men and women [Bro. Francis] It is the whole congregation! Actually, this does not talks about a woman minister/preacher, it also talks about of how you worship, it talks about the gifts. It also talks about how the church, should the church should only have one pastor? Something like that? Should the church should only have one minister? The church should only have one leader? Or what? Can the church come together with only one single leader? Is it possible? You answer my question? Is it possible group of believers come together, they don’t have a single leader? Is that possible? [Bro. Menan] Yes [Bro. Francis] That’s possible! We are not against if they have only one single leader, but you should also not be against if they will come together worshiping God, without a single leader. Because the Holy Spirit could raise one of you to be in different aspects. Peter could take the lead, but it doesn’t mean he’s the only leader. James was also the leader of the church. Paul was also a leader of the church. In what aspect? You see? We are given different gifts. And we are supposed to work together. So, we are not against of only one single leader but the Bible is also not against everyone is to be used as a leader in different times. They work together. Sometime you could come together to worship without a single leader that’s Biblical. We’re not against anyone of those, these are different forms of church government. 4 minutes to go? Ok, let me quoted fast, Hebrews 5:12, everyone, what else? Ok, by the way 1 Corinthians 14 this is not permitted for her to speak but to be in silence. I suffer a woman not to speak but be in silence. 1 Corinthians 14, is it literal that a woman should not speak? Same thing word “teach” in Titus, a woman could teach younger widow, younger women, so their teachings are not against younger women. Hebrews 5:12 everyone can teach! [Bro. Menan] Amen [Bro. Francis] Everyone is supposed to teach! [Bro. Mio] Teacher [Bro. Francis] Everyone is supposed to be teachers! [Bro. Menan] Amen [Bro. Francis] You see, everyone. 1 Peter 3:15, everyone should know how to answer questions, Jude 3, everyone should contend, Revelation 10:11, everyone should prophesy. Prophesy not supposedly supernatural things but the mysteries of God. [Bro. Mio] Amen [Bro. Francis] 1 Corinthians 2:13 [Bro. Menan] Comparing spiritual things [Bro. Francis] You should speak the mysteries of God. Whether the effect is like teaching others it doesn’t matter. Because Paul absolves you of sin when you teach as a woman. What else? [Bro. Menan] Bro. Francis what if… [Bro. Francis] 1 Corinthians I suffer not a woman to speak but to be in silence, read the context, that the two or three prophesy and let the other judge. The others judge are men because the woman are to be in silence in judging. Just follow the context ok. Now, there are many other Scriptures that talks women that could share. Hebrews 10:25, exhorting one another. Today only pastors on the pulpit exhort, their speakers exhort, their ministers but how about an ordinary brethren? Hebrews 10:25 is for all brethren, ok. [Bro. Mio] Ephesians 4:13-16 [Bro. Francis] Oh, yes 15, Ephesians 4:15 speaking the truth in love. You know I asked an Endtime minister before, that who will speak, he said the 5 Fold Minister. Actually he was correct but his line of thought of the 5 Fold Ministers are exclusive club of male ministers, but if you understand the context of Ephesians 4:15 speaking the truth in love, they are all believers. Who will speak the truth of love? Yes, those are the 5 Fold gifts, but who had the 5 Fold gifts? Everyone, because Hebrews 4:15, came from Hebrews 4:14, 13, everyone can speak. Ye should no longer be children, you may grow but speaking the truth in love. Ok my time is up, ok , ok 1 minute. [Bro. Menan] What was that mean that Paul said in 1 Timothy 2:13-14 that woman should not teach, what that does Paul mean? [Bro. Francis] Reset, reset 00144 ENDTIMENGLISH WOMEN IN THE PULPIT 11.10.13 PART ½ (Cut Version, check out the complete copy in yahoo groups: cogeoENDTIMESERIES) You can watch this on this link: https://youtube/watch?v=xILFl13iKzE NOVEMBER 10, 2013 SUNDAY NIGHT MANALITE TOPIC: WOMAN ON THE PULPIT PREACHER: BRO. FRANCIS SCRIBER/TYPIST/POSTED/UPLOADED BY: Sis. Remy
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 21:24:26 +0000

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