WOMEN AND POWER Last week I came out of court in a family case - TopicsExpress


WOMEN AND POWER Last week I came out of court in a family case with a Middle Eastern client (having won his case) and he commented “Women have too much power in this country”. I sat him down and calmly told him this: 1. Women don’t have “too much power” in this country. What they have is called access to equal opportunities so they have the same right as men to study, have jobs and careers and be financially independent. I grew up in this country and I had this right and that is why I was able to study, qualify as a barrister and win YOUR case today. 2. The law I have studied has taught me that it is in the childrens interest to have both parents in their life and that is why I was able to persuade the judge that you must play an equal part in your childs life and upbringing regardless of whether you and your wife get on or not. That is why you can now meet your son regularly. 3. Women have the same right as men to drive and have to pass the same driving test. I learnt to drive and passed my test. I have my own car and that is why I was able to get to court today in time to meet you and talk to you before we go in front of the judge. 4. There are some cultures where women are brought up to have the primary role of serving men – cooking cleaning looking after men’s relatives (while they are expected to ignore their own mum and dad even) and keeping the man’s family and house in order. 5. Even then the man can throw her out in two seconds if he wants and the law in those cultures offers no protection to such women victims. In this country the law protects women and children. That is why domestic violence is a crime. That is why children’s interest is paramount in the law. 6. If a woman is protected against a man’s beatings by the law, and she is aware of this and uses the law to protect herself and her children men like you see her as having “TOO MUCH POWER”. You want to be free to beat her black and blue! POWER TO THE LAW THAT PROTECTS VULNERABLE WOMEN AND CHILDREN EFFECTIVELY!
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 07:53:50 +0000

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