WOMEN AND THE GLITTER OF GLAMORISED SLAVERY (THOUGHTS AT AMRIT VELA OF A CLOSING YEAR) The more I see of this life and the more I am exposed to art, literature and philosophy , the greater is my embarrassment and even a sense of shame over being a man watching women subjected to a myriad shades of oppression, slavery and discrimination at the hands of their beloved men. Some of these shades are admittedly so suave, dexterous and subtle - and devious - that even women have over the centuries come to regard their gilt inferiority as a natural condition of existence and ,worse, as a compliment to their exalted status. Beginning with my mother - whom I am my father loved beyond the limits of male adoration - right down to the little school girls I see walking the streets every morning with their lovely dresses and satchels, I see with a terrifying nakedness, a subtly and cunningly crafted epic of oppression and discrimination against women in this world - all over the world, in every country without exception. The intelligent and sensitive men have been blindfolded against their own visible and invisible crimes. Even the most genuinely loving father who willingly gives his daughter everything that his sons get - sometimes even more and with greater affection - yet stops short of allowing her the kind of natural and unrestricted freedom which is the birthright of his male children. And he has beautiful practical, philosophical and intellectual arguments to deny his daughter equality and independence in her own interest.(Sic) Best loved daughters simply do no need freedom - they even hate and reject equality !! When carefully mounted glitter and glamour of an unashamedly biased male morality is ripped apart, it is so easy to see that women live the lives of slaves and spend their lives as second or even third class citizens in a cruelly male oriented society. Not even the Gurus or saints and prophets seem to have done anything beyond a ritualistic lip service to fight the cruelty and harshness of injustice, prejudice and oppression against women, practised in a million brazen and subtle ways. No, please stop this hypocrisy. Women are neither free nor equal citizens in human civilization. Compared with the civilized world, one sees more equality and dignity for the female in the animal kingdom - at least in a majority of the species. Unfortunately, the way of this world is power, and female of the species suffer everywhere because of a natural handicap there, but nowhere does it happen as brutally as among civilized humans. A whole psychosis of disorientation and diversion is brought to bear on a womans own mind to make her absolutely incapable of seeing what injustice and inequality she suffers even in what is at best glamourised serfdom (slavery.) A woman is educated to wage an invisible war against herself all her life, and most women end up being mens best soldiers against women. Like slaves of foreign masters, they are given a few privileges - the better behaved among them getting even Jagirs and decorations such as Cross of Honour. But slaves they remain - somewhat like members of the ICS under the British. The harshness and brutality of this truth hits me like bullet in the early hours ( Amrit Vela) at the fag end of this year. But as a man, even I am not in favour of women acquiring the freedom to be as vulgar, crass and ill-bred as we men are proud to be . That is why I have always expressed myself against bra- burning and stuff like that. Rather than women falling to our level, I would rather have men rise to the level suave finesse and sophistication and sensitivity seen in women. What is required is not leveling down of standards among women, but leveling up of these standards among men. But in all cases, for good or for bad, equality of status and equality in the measure of freedom must be the bare minimum acceptable norm of civilized living.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 23:54:09 +0000

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