WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS URGE TO GO FOR LOCAL RAW MATERIALS Women entrepreneurs have been urged to use local materials to produce their goods so as to boost the national economy. The call was revealed recently by Equal Opportunity for All Trust Fund (EOTF) Chairperson Anna Mkapa while talking to small and medium entrepreneurs at Jitegemee Secondary School Hall. The chairperson said there is need for them to embark on this strategy to woo foreign customers easily once their products have an effect for them. Right now the majorities of small and medium entrepreneurs purchase raw materials from abroad and use them to produce products within the country something which is not good for entrepreneurs who want to have zero duties when trading their products in international trade “As EOTF we encourage entrepreneurs to use raw materials available in Tanzania to produce their products so that they can benefit from what they produce or manufacture," she urged. She also called on women entrepreneurs to pay visits to other areas, and learn from others on how they are running their businesses to helps them improve what they have and expand markets for their products they produce. “Don’t be selfish to your counterparts if you think you have proper information that can help them to use in their businesses share with them. Women have major roles to play such as trade, pay school fees for their children, health facilities and other issues,” she said. Also mama Mkapa has called on women entrepreneurs across the country to join women clusters according to the products they produce or manufacture so that they can have one voice in terms of market prices, meet orders, obtain training more easily and secure capital from financial institutions and expert’s services. Moreover, it will be easy for the experts to understand the status and needs of women entrepreneurs who are scattered country-wide. “As women, focus more on what experts teach you and put into practices what you have learned so that you can move from where you’re today to another position, create more employments,” she pleaded. She further told them that “Change your way of living, increase tax collection to government, raise sales and profits, improve your companies’ images, and contribute immensely to the national economy.” By Beatrice Philemon 12th July 2013 SOURCE: THE GUARDIAN
Posted on: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 07:45:24 +0000

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