WOMEN THE STRONGEST OF GODS CREATURE. Permit me to borrow this - TopicsExpress


WOMEN THE STRONGEST OF GODS CREATURE. Permit me to borrow this old saying although the world knows it too. Behind every successful Man is a good woman. In them i see care, sacrifice, strenght, spark and everything worthwhile in a human. A female motivator said; we have a great responsibility with our compassionate, intuitive nature, the deep psychological effects we can have on others (Lovers & Children) have power to increase or turn the world on its ear. I onced argued with a cousin of mine, when he bluntly and washpishly taunted that the meaning of a Woman is woe betide man. Whereas Adam said when he woke up from his great sleep and saw the woman by his side, Adam said. This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of man.. In tales of Judges, a powerful woman was seen by Barak as indispensable, thereby declining to go for war unless she follows him, because she possesses what i recently called a spark in women. In her barns are Motivation, good discharge of words, a prohetess, and one whose words could make you fight the enemy with bare hands.. This early morning in my search of knowledge i got traped in a spun web of a great queen if not the greatest queen that has ever lived. Esther was her name, a young damsel tutored and mentored very well in all ramifications, mostly in the things of God Almighty by Uncle Mordecai. A time came in the land of Persia & Media that the jews were so maltreated to the extent that an annihiliation was almost at its peak, all against the people of God, having had Esther the queen by their side; was confronted to confront their devastating confrontation through her queenly incentives. This intended intervention, was a very bad one, that could claim the life of the creamy-hearted queen, as its against the law of the land to meet the king and his noble gathering without invitation, although she knew well the devils game she was about to play, firstly she demanded in verse 16 of chapter 4th book of Esther, Go gather all the Jews who are present in Shushan and fast for me : neither eat nor drink for three days, night or day. My maids and i will do likewise. And so i will go to the King, which is against the law; and if i perish i perish!. In all she succeded in putting a stop to the ills meant for the people of God. Its undisputable to frown or wink at the sagacious nature of women and their power of making things happen in the family, churches, social gathering and all you can think of...they indeed rock. I remember back in the days of my primary school, when i wasnt doing pretty good, everybody would complain, the teacher, my daddy and all concerned fellows, to me i was fine, but mum felt the fever, and i never knew. A night came when she must have finished her prayers, she came to where i was sleeping and woke me up, looked at me firmly and sobbed slightly, i kept quite, until she broke the silence and gently tapped my shoulder and asked, nnaa (boy) tell me whats the problem with your studies, looking at her drop tears i cried too and confessed that the teacher wasnt been friendly to me and shouts at my mistakes and all. We had a deal that she would speak to her on my behalf, wow at the end of the term i made clean marks together with my sis, Dad surprised us good. The spark in women shatters every shut doors asunder...the manner with which she speaks to you, would propel you to jump the walls of the spirits. Shaggy sang and i quote so amazing how this world was made, i wonder if God is a woman, the gift of life astounds me till this day, i give it up for the woman. Shes the constant wind that fills my sail oh thats a woman. With her smile and style, she will put a smile upon your face & take you to that higher place, so dont you underestimate! Strenght of woman...! An uncle told me how stupid he felt when she refused a woman to stand infront of her in a queue for a train in London, the way people looked at him made him restless and a man came where he was standing and said to him, remember your mother is a woman, with that he wished the ground would open and seal him up...thumbs up for the women! Solomons proverb said the wise woman builds her house, but the foolish pulls it down with her hands. God loves them so much and wouldnt want to see them cry, ask Sarah, Hannah, Mary and many of them in the scripture even your mother they will tell you that i am not lying. In them i see a garden. Planted many fruits, those who attend to theirs very well, would eat the good of the land. When God blesses you with a spark no mountain will be unreached. I bless God for the gift of women. Dont make them sad inorder not to get the bad part of them. Like eagles they rock and goes for the best. Very supportive, and their shoulders are always clean for a lean. I love you mum and you my spark!. Pretty morning and welcome to a new day of Gods tenacious teusday! God loves you!
Posted on: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 06:06:15 +0000

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