WOMEN YOU HAVE TO UNDERSTAND THAT SOME MEN ARE IMPOSSIBLE TO PLEASE... 1. If he calls you and your phone is off, he thinks you’re cheating…. then he sends sms saying “don’t tell me the battery story cuz I know that line” 2. If u TREAT him nicely, he says u are TOO IN LOVE. If u Dont, he says u are PROUD 3. If u DRESS NICELY, he says u are trying to LURE other men. If you DONT, he says u are RURAL. 4. If u ARGUE with him, he says u are STUBBORN, too manly. If u keep QUIET,he says u have no BRAINS, a walk over; 5. If u are SMARTER than him, you’re a SHOW-OFF. If hes SMARTER than u, he is GREAT. 6. If u dont LOVE him, he tries to POSSESS u. If u LOVE him, He takes you FOR GRANTED. 7. If u dont MAKE LOVE to him, he says u DONT LOVE him. If u DO, he says you are CHEAP... 8. If u tell him your PROBLEMS , he says u are TROUBLE. If u DONT, he says you dont TRUST him. 9. If u SCOLD him, u are treating him like a CHILD. If he SCOLDS u, its because he CARES for u. 10. If u BREAK your promise, u cannot be TRUSTED. If he BREAKS his, it is circumstances beyond his CONTROL. 11. If u SMOKE, u are a BAD girl. If he SMOKES, he is GENTLEMAN. 12. If u do WELL in your career, its LUCK If he does WELL, it’s definitely BRAINS. 13. If u HURT him, u are CRUEL. If he HURTS you, you are too SENSITIVE !! So guys How are women supposed to get it right?? We Guys all know they the ladies are sometimes hard to please but we just have to keep trying....
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 06:30:29 +0000

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