WONDERFUL, WELCOME HOME MR SUNDAY MADUGBA AFTER SEVERAL DECADES ABROAD. I met an old man in my village these night while I was comming back from a political meeting. The man in question stoped the driver that was carrying me, he told us that he was comming from a far place that he cant locate his house. I asked him who are you? He replied me that He is from Ugwuala, I am Sunday Madugba a brother to John Madugba. I shouted are you the man that has not come back home since decades ago? He said yes. I told the driver to carry him so that we can take him to the Madugbas compound. While He was in the car I asked him about his childrem, he told me that he is not yet married. When we reached Madugbas compound the family members that were around told me that they didnt recognise his face. They thanked me for my selfless service. Everybody was shouting our brother is back!our brother is back. When the senior brother died last year my dad told me that the man has a junior brother that resides in Benin Edo State. He said that the man has not come back since 1958. I was shucked to meet these man these night he was carrying nothing but a sack bag. WHAT AN IRONY. ANYWAY IS A PITY.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 20:18:34 +0000

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