WONDERS OF GOD THROUGH HIS SON BISHOP EBENEZER U. MMADUBUKO. TESTIMONIES: (1.) During our last Fruit Service in Grace and Dominion Hour, daddy in the Lord (Bishop Ebenezer Mmadubuko) told us to tell God three things we want Him to do for us. The three things I mentioned has been long that Ive been expecting them from God and one of them was that a very close brother that has been looking for job should have one, lo and behold that same day on my way home after the Service I received a call from that same brother that God has finally done it, he has gotten a good job. Praise the Lord for prayer answered, I believe He will do the remaining in Jesus mighty name,amen, FROM SISTER QUEEN.E, PPL,LAGOS. (2.) Last three months daddy called me out prophetically that he had a revelation concerning my daughter which he prayed for her. That same week my husband dreamt where my daughter was crushed by a trailer which I rejected immediately. Few weeks ago my husband packed his car outside and wanted to drive out unknown to him that there was a child sleeping at the back of the car, immediately he starts the car the child stood up and people started screaming and asked him to stop the car. I thank God for cancelling the plans of the enemy. Also, I want to thank God for the life of a friend of mine whom I invited to this Church (Fireword International Ministry Inc.) and she was pregnant.Though she had fear of delivering the child normally because she has gone through operation before.I encouraged her and she kept coming and taking the Miracle Water our daddy in the Lord gave her. I thank God today that she has delivered safely without any operation. Praise the Lord!!! FROM SISTER AMADI.C, LAGOS. (3.) Ive been feeling this severe stomach pain that even when Im walking I unconsciously hit my tummy whenever the pains starts but after the prayer of our daddy in the Lord (Bishop Ebenezer) in our Grace and Dominion Hour for me I received my healing. That pains disappeared completely. praise the Lord!!! FROM SISTER CHIDINMA.D,LAGOS (4.) I want to thank God for His favour upon my life and family. On Sunday night we (my family) had our prayer with Our Ministry Prayer Book ( we prayed for Favour). On Monday after work, my boss told me to wait and favoured me with food stuff (Bag of Rice,Semovita and Groundnut Oil) and paid for a taxi to bring me down to my house. I bless the name of God for this usually favour. Praise the Lord!!! From Sister Lydia.A, PPL,Okokomaiko,Lagos. (5) I want to appreciate the Lord for my Life. It was On Monday, I started feeling this severe and strange pain all over my head, I prayed and drank Blessed Water but it was as if the pain wasnt responding. The pain continued until On Wednesday I then picked my phone to call our Mama in Lord ( Mama Charity Mmadubuko) but it was daddy in the Lord (Bishop Ebenezer) that picked the call, he told me to drink from the Miracle Water he Blessed for us and he prayed for me through the phone. I bless the name of God, not uptil 5 Minutes that he prayed for me the pain disappeared. Since that moment till now I feel no more pain and I know my healing is permanent in Jesus name. Praise the Lord!!! From Sister Ndudi E.H, Lagos. (6) Praise thy Lord!!! Last week Thursday Grace and Dominion Hour, daddy (Bishop Ebenezer) prayed over our telephone and decreed that we will receive a miracle call. Lo and behold, the next day my husband called me that someone favoured us financially with a huge amount of money. I bless the name of God for His Divine Favour upon my family. From Sister Jane, Lagos. (7) I thank God for what he did in my life through this Ministry (Fireword International Ministry Inc.). When I started coming I came with so many pains. First of all, theres no peace in my home for the past two (2) years but after sprinkling the Miracle Water all over my house peace has finally returned, my husband also who has refused to touch me since the beginning of this year but since the man of God (Bishop Ebenezer Mmadubuko) told me to sprinkle the Miracle Water and hug my husband which I did, my husband has been all over me. Also, Im a student and also desiring to start a Creche and Nursery School.But each time I try to make a move people keep discouraging me that the money I have wont be enough, just two weeks of attending Fireword Ministry, God favoured me with a contact, someone I never knew before helped me and I was able to arrange all the necessary things needed with the little money I had that people always tell me it wont be enough. I blessed the name of God and God of Ebenezer who has made all these thing possible for me. Praise the Lord!!! From Sister Ifeoma.O, Lagos. (8.) The first Thursday of the Four (4) Prophetic Thursdays of Total Dominion Programme. Theme: Its my Time of a New Song. I was complaining to my husband that I wasnt paid complete salary before I came to Service. After the Service my husbands sister called me and asked how much I need to start a business of my own, which I told her. To my greatest she gave me more than the amount I requested for the business. Praise the Lord for His favour upon my life. From Sister Lydia. A, PPL, Okokomaiko, Lagos. (9.) I want to thank God for healing my Sister-in-law who has been very ill with pains that made her unable to walk for some time. But after giving her the Miracle Water our Daddy in the Lord blessed for us, she was able to walk perfectly without the support of anyone. Praise the Lord for His healing Hands upon my in-law. From Sister Olugpo. C. PPL,Okokomaiko,Lagos. I bless the name of God for the healing of my neighbour. Last week Thursday (Grace and Dominion Hour) I invited one of my neighbour who was very ill and has gone through several medication, still the sickness was there. During the Service our daddy in the Lord (Bishop Ebenezer Mmadubuko) prayed for her and as the Fruit prayer (It was a Fruit Service) was on, daddy again gave her his own fruit to eat. Brethren, lo and behold after the prayers and the eating of the blessed fruit she became completely healed. Praise thy Lord for His Healing hands!!! Sister Aaron.L, PPL,Okokomiako. (10.) I thank God for what He has done for me , in my place of work. Ever since they promoted me as a supervisor, my colleagues planned evil against me and even wrote my name to give to my boss that I should be sacked. I told my sister and she told me to use the Miracle Water our daddy in Lord (Bishop Ebenezer) gave me.I usually drink the Miracle Water and sprinkle it all over my body before leaving for work. After some days, the people who were against me begin to confess to me one after the other and some even accused me of using charm. I thank God who used the Miracle Water to expose the plans of the enemy in my life. I passed a decree that as many that want me sacked will be sacked. Today, some of them have problem in the office and some have already been sacked. Last week Thursday (Grace and Dominion Hour) I was told its Fruit Service and I came with fruits, which I eat after the Service. But later I felt pains all over my tummy, I prayed and took the Miracle Water, immediately the pain was gone. I thank God for all He has done in my life. Praise the Lord!!! Sister Ayeni.J, Lagos. (11.) I thank God almighty for His healing upon my life. I have been feeling this severe headache for a long time but after last week Thursday (Grace and Dominion Hour) in the Fruit Service, after I ate my fruit I received my healing and till now I no longer feel the headache. Praise the Lord!!! Sister Precious.D, PPL,Okokomaiko,Lagos. (12.) I thank God for what He has done for me, because there is something I’ve been believed God for. During Our Acts of Apostles 2014, on the last day as the Man of God (Bishop Ebenezer) was walking, the Spirit of God ministered to me to pack the sand where he was standing which I did and poured the Miracle Water in the sand, I then passed a decree that as God turned the life of the Man of God around and use him mightily let the same God grant me my heart desire. Two weeks after I got a favour of an accommodation without paying a dime. Praise thy Lord!!! From Brother Abel.S, PPL,Okokomaiko,Lagos (13.) I want to thank God for my life and the life of the Man of God, God has been using him mightily in my life ever since I joined this Ministry (Fireword International Ministry Inc.). On my way from work last week I started feeling severe abdominal pain, I managed to get home but the pain was still there, so I took the Miracle Water that was given to me by G.O (Bishop Ebenezer), I poured it over my body and my tommy, within few seconds the pains was completely gone! I didn’t feel any pain again. I bless the name of the Lord for His mighty work in my life. Praise the Lord!!! From Sister Rosemary, Lagos (14.) I thank God Almighty for His wonderful hands in my life! I usually feel this burning sensation all over my body and since I became pregnant (about 8 months now) I have been finding it difficult to go to toilet, sometime I will go to toilet just twice or thrice in a month but after last Sunday Service Mama -in- the Lord (Pastor (mama) Charity Mmadubuko) gave me her handkerchief she used that Sunday, I used the handky to clean my body. Lo and behold that hot sensation stop that day and since Monday (that is a day after) I have been going to toilet normal now. Praise thy Lord!!! From Sister Okoroafor,C. PPL,Okokomaiko,Lagos. (15.) Three weeks ago during our Acts of Apostles, Our Daddy in the Lord (Bishop Ebenezer) prophetically called me out to write the names of my children especially my eldest daughter and he gave me prayers . Then the Saturday of that same week she ( my eldest daughter) was in the Service and daddy prayed for her, which after the Service on Sunday we ( my family) rounded up the prayer and daddy anointed me and my children and prayed for us. He also told us that we will see a sign but well overcome. Just last week my daughter suddenly started complaining of severe stomach pain and was screaming, I was calm because I know God has already given us victory over the plans of the enemy. I took the Miracle Water that Bishop gave me and gave her to drink, within a short while she was okay. I thank God for this healing upon the life of my daughter and delivering my family. Praise the Lord!!! From Deaconess Idris.Y, PPL,Okokomaiko,Lagos. (16.) I want to thank God for my deliverance. For the past one year now I have been feeling this sharp pain around my chest.Just last week the pain started again this time very severe, I quickly took the Miracle Water our daddy in Lord (Bishop Ebenezer Mmadubuko) gave me, I drank the Miracle Water. Brethren,since that moment till now I no longer feel the pain again. I thank God for my healing, my healing is permanent in Jesus name. From Sister Rosemary,S.O, Lagos. (17.) Praise thy Lord!!!. Am Sister Faith, I want to thank God for want He did for me. Last week Sunday, daddy called all the Choristers and prayed for us all. For about a year now there is this unusual pain I do feel at the left side of my breast, whenever it starts it is always very severe! I bless the name of the Lord, after the prayer by our daddy in the Lord (Bishop Ebenezer), the pain disappeared without any medication. Praise the Lord!!! From Sister Faith.J, Lagos. (18.) It was on Sunday Service,daddy mentioned the case of someone who usually experience cobweb covering his face. After the Service I waited to see our daddy in the Lord (Bishop Ebenezer), that the case he mentioned I was the one the do experience such. He gave me the remaining Blood that was sprinkled in the Service that day (Blood for Blood Service) which I used to bath and rubbed the remaining on my body as instructed by daddy. I went to work and as I was eating in a restaurant I saw the cobweb again, when I got home I prayed and ever since Ive not experienced it again. Praise the Lord!!! From Brother Roberts.M, Lagos. (19.) I want to thank God for my life and family, since I joined this commission (Fireword International Ministry inc.) God has been doing wonders in my life and family. My father usually complains that each time he sleeps he usually see dogs in the dream chasing him. So I got the sticker of the ministry which is written NOT MY HEAD NOT MY BLOOD and placed it on my fathers pillow case. Brethren, ever since I placed that sticker in his pillow case, he has not been experiencing such dream again. Also, the first day I came daddy (Bishop Ebenezer) gave prophecy that theres someone here who had a dream and was been threatened in the dream which I came out,because I dreamt where a woman warned me, saying so I want to get married that over her dead body. I have had disappointment in marriage before, the first after introduction and the second is on and it seems the enemy want to strike again just like the first. The date of my introduction was fixed which was on Sunday and on Tuesday my supposed husband called me that hes not coming again for the introduction. I was surprised and worried, I wrote his name and placed it on the Church (Fireword International Ministry inc.) calendar where daddy and mamas (Bishop & Pastor mama Charity Mmadubuko) face is and I declared that the marriage will hold, that I am a daughter of this commission, I am Graced I can never be disgraced, which I kept praying. On Saturday my husband to be called me and told me that he and his people will be coming on Sunday, which they did. On Sunday the introduction was done and I was asked to choose a date for the traditional marriage proper. As if that wasnt enough, after the introduction I had a physical confrontation from one of my neighbour. The woman said why did I do introduction and I didnt tell her,that she will see how the marriage will take place, all this happened in the presence of my family. I stood up and said to her, pointing to our church calendar, that she should look at the calendar that if she cant separate our daddy and mama (Bishop & Pastor mama Charity Mmadubuko) theres nothing she can do to my marriage. I give God all the praise for defeating my enemies. Praise the Lord!!! From Sister Esther. S, PPL,Okokomaiko,Lagos. (20.) Am Abraham, I thank God for his healing. I usually feel severe chest pain which Ive never told anyone but in the Service today (Grace and Dominion Hour), daddy (Bishop Ebenezer) prophetically called me out and prayed for me concerning chest pain. I thank God for His healing hands upon my life. Praise the Lord!!! From Abraham,I. PPL,Okokomaiko,Lagos. (21.) It was during one of our vigil the man of God gave me prophecy that I will stand and testify of the goodness of the Lord in my life and business. After that prophesy I received a call from a friend of mine that I should come to Abuja for a business,however I dont have transport and that my friend sent me money to come over. Getting there, that night I dreamt where three men on black appeared and asked me what I was doing there? which I responded, then another three men dressed on white came and chased them with cutlass, as I was running I suddenly saw daddy (Bishop Ebenezer) he then asked me why was I running and he gave me a Bible which I used to overcome those enemies in my dream I then woke up. That day my friend brought a woman to me that she has been separated from her husband, that my friend instructed me to pray for her, of which Im not a pastor, with Faith I prayed for the woman, immediately she got home her husband who had left her for a very long time was at home waiting for her. She came with her husband to see me and my friend, I prayed for them and told her that her husband will start up a project and finish it in Jesus name. Days later I received a call that the project has started. Also, I was called to pray for a muslim woman whose son was missing (which they have gone to herbalist and they couldnt find him). I then told the woman to get water (which is the mystery our daddy in Lord usually carry out) I decreed that as I sprinkle the water, it will touch her son wherever he is and he will be released, immediately the woman stood up from her kneel, a big snake appeared physically and started chasing me of which the snake was killed.Not too long about an hour or so I was called that the boy has been released. As if that wasnt enough, I was called that a man was very sick and could not walk as a result of the sickness (stroke), I instructed them to get salt and water and gave them Psalms to read, I prayed over it (the water and salt) and decree that he will be healed, I then told them to rub the salt all over his body and sprinkle the water on him and give him some to drink, I was praying in me that as God as been answering my daddy in the Lord He will answer me again. A week later I was called that the man is healed and has resumed work. Brethren, all these happened within a space of one month in my stay at Abuja, I was also able to convert over fifty souls to Christ particularly muslim. It was possible because of the help of the Holy Spirit and the mighty acts of God through me. Praise thy Lord!!! Brother Anayo.O, PPL,Okokomaiko,Lagos. (22.) I want to thank God for His healing upon my life. I usually feel this severe headache for over a year now but after daddy (Bishop Ebenezer) prayed for me during , I have not been experiencing such again and I know my healing is permanent in Jesus mighty name,amen. Praise master Jesus!!! From Sister Rosemary,O. Lagos. (23) Am Sister Chidinma, I want to thank God for His healing hands upon my life. Last week I was having this strange feeling in my body . I usually hear a voice that says I will die soon. On Sunday I managed to come over for Service while the praise and worship was going on, the Spirit of God came upon me and I started worshiping God, before I left the Service that day I was healed. Getting home I was still feeling a bit weak then on Monday our daddy in Lord called and asked how I was doing, he then told me to get water and he prayed on it over the phone which I drank and sprinkle as he instructed me. I want to thank God today Im perfectly healed. Praise thy Lord!!! From Sister Chidinma,D. Lagos. (24.) I appreciate Almighty God for my life and what He used my daughter to do in my life and in this ministry (Fireword International Ministry Inc.). Last month my daughter dreamt where they dug a grave to cover me.And she asked me to fast and pray for three days for God to avert the plans of the enemy. I did as she instructed me, on the last day to end the prayer, she instructed me to break the fasting with fruits. I usually give a friend of mine money to buy fruits for me but on that last day (which is the third day) I slept off and didnt remember to give her money to buy me fruits.As I woke up I took a bike to the Okoko bus stop to buy the fruits on my way Police stopped the bike, one of the police man pulled me down from the bike with a gun and called me Juliet of which my name is Uche, he said that Juliet you have been killing people,today you wont go free they started beating me and pushed me into the gutter, I was just declaring (God of Ebenezer, Not my Head Not my Blood) that Im not the one, but the police men insisted and brought out a picture and said is this not me? I said no!. Then they said but the lady looks like me, the same stature and hair colour . That day I was wearing our last year ACTS OF APOSTLES polo shit and one of police man said truly it wasnt me and asked me the name of our ministry (which I told him Fireword International Ministry Inc.). And he said its a mistaken identity and the other police officer insisted that Im the criminal they are looking for that they should give him gun to shot me. I continued declaring the word of Faith. The police called me again and said he can see that Im on fasting and Im innocent, he gave me two thousand naira for my fair but I told him thanks that I dont need it. That was how I was released. As if that was not enough, after our first combined Service this year, I thank God and the God of Fireword for fighting my battles, the enemy came again to attacked and accused me but God of Ebenezer defended me from the hands of the enemy. I thank God for giving me victory over my enemies and for saving my life. Praise the Lord!!! From Sister Uche. O, Okokomaiko,Lagos. (25.) I am Benedicta, it was On Friday last week, I heard a knock on my door, when I opened it was three men they said they are looking for my son that a stolen property is with him, which they took us to the police station. Unknown to my son that the property that was sold to him was stolen. During that period there was this Psalm our daddy in Lord (Bishop Ebenezer) gave us for prayer. I took up that Psalm and prayed. When I called our daddy in the Lord he passed a decree that the person they are looking for will surface. On getting to the police station the man who had the case saw my son and said No! my son is not the one and can never be ,that he should be released, immediately my son was released. I thank God for removing shame from my family. Praise the Lord!!! From Sister Benedicta .N, Badagry, Lagos. (26.) I want to thank God for what He is doing in my life and that of my husband. Our daddy in Lord instructed me to go for scan which I did, and the result was all well and exactly as daddy has declared so the scan result proved. Praise thy Lord!!! From Sister Chinenye .A, PPL,Okokomaiko,Lagos. The last time I came for Thursday Programme (Grace and Dominion Hour) during the ministration I was led to buy Oil and give to daddy (Bishop Ebenezer) to pray on it, which I did and daddy prayed on it. My Sister-in-law who had been sick since last year, I called her and gave her the Blessed Oil to drink and rubbed all over her body, immediately she drank and rubbed her body with the Blessed Oil the attacks and sickness ceased and all the signs on her body was healed. Also, I want to thank God for the life of my children. I always bring their pictures here (Fireword International Ministry Inc.) for prayers. In one of our Service, daddy gave me a prophecy that one of child will make me laugh. After (about three Months time) that prophecy my brother in abroad called me that he will take care of my son. I want to thank God for confirming that prophecy of His Servant. Praise the Lord!!! From Sister Oge.O, Lagos. (27.) Im Sister Onyekachi, I want to thank God for the instant healing in my life. I usually feel this severe pain in my tommy, during the Service (Grace and Dominion Hour) when daddy asked us to lay our hands on our head while he told us to pray and I declared that this hands on my head will bring me healing. Immediately, I felt cold inside of me and instantly the pains were gone. Praise the Lord!!! From Sister Onyekachi, D. Lagos. (28.) I thank God for saving my life. After closure from work as I was packing my hand mistakenly touched a naked wire (electric) and it moved in my body, I managed to use my other hand to hit the wire. I thank God for His Grace on me. Praise the Lord!!! From Brother Idris, A. Lagos. JESUS IS LORD!!!
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 16:22:29 +0000

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