WOO WIFI So then Storyposttime The Survivors: Discovery - TopicsExpress


WOO WIFI So then Storyposttime The Survivors: Discovery “The Jackpot” Zap “‘Ey Tony! You busy right now?” I turn. Jack is standing with a gun and an empty duffel bag with a crazed grin on his face. “We gonna go grave robbing.” “What?” “Well not grave robbing per se since the guys aren’t in the ground. Vamos!” He starts jogging into the woods. “This is about that dynamite isn’t it?” I say to the back of his head as I catch up. “You just want some new toys.” “Right on bucko!” “You are a piece of work you know that?” He takes a deep theatrical bow. “Thank you kind sir!” “It was meant as an insult.” “If you really wanted to insult me you’d insult something I wasn’t proud of.” “If being eccentric is enjoyable to you, then go for it man.” “Eccentric isn’t a good word in my opinion. I prefer…” He hops on a log and takes a pose akin to the pose of the guy on those “Captain Morgan” bottles of rum: “Weird.” “You LIKE being called ‘weird?’” “Of course!” He hops of the log and keeps walking. “Eccentric is what you call the guy who keeps his cereal bowls in the fridge. Weird is what you call the guy who makes bombs out of cell phones.” “I call that ‘psychotic…’” I mumble under my breath. “THAT WORKS TOO!” We come across the bodies. One has a knife wound in his chest cavity, another was shot from behind, seemingly while running, and another has a bullet in his temple. “Jackpot!” “…Crackpot” “You can’t ruin this for me.” He starts cramming guns, bullets, and dynamite into the bag, all the while giddy with excitement. HE starts running back, and I follow. He doesn’t stop, and heads right for his wagon. He hops in back. I stop at the back, hesitant. “GET IN TONY GEEZ” “Alright alri-” A lit stick of dynamite was in my face. “BOOM! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Jack bursts into laughter as he put out the fuse. “You should’ve seen the look on your face! Come on in.” The inside of the wagon was three quarters full of boxes of stuff, since this was a caravan, but the back fourth looked like what happened when a bull rampages through a electronics store. There were wires, gunpowder, timers, phones, guns, tools, screws; anything that seemed shiny was in the back of the wagon, in the middle of an orphaned project. He pulled out something, his “pride and joy” as he called it. It looked like a metal box with wires thrown about randomly. There is nothing special abut it near as I could tell. “This my friend, is a mobile EMP device. Its still in an early stage, and I’m not sure of how well it will work, or if it will be too useful, given the small amount of useable tech still out there. But theoretically it will emit a powerful electromagnetic pulse, EMP, that will scramble the insides of any electrical device nearby.” “Jack, I have a question.” “Yeah?” “What in the hell are you talking about?” “What can I say? I love this old tech.” “Jack, you don’t seem too much older than me…” “Twenty four” “And yet you seem so versed in this old-world shit. What’s you story?” “was born in a union between Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein…” “Seriously Jack.” “Why do you care anyway? Why do you grill people on things they obviously don’t want to talk about? You did it with Austin and he’s still brooding.” “I’m curious.” “Because you like making people remember things they want to forget?” “Because I didn’t have to live through it! And because I lost my mom to it when I was still a baby! And because the old world seems so fascinating! And because I want to know what we lost.” “I was born in upstate New York to a wealthy family. I was reading novels by three. I had started to play the flute at four. I was already real into technology and stuff; the story goes that I broke apart the baby monitor on the third night of being at home. Then, June 22. I was four, and it was my mom’s birthday. The day the sky split. I remember looking at the sky as trails of flame fell down. My memories after that are foggy, except for one.” He sighs heavily, and begins to tinker with some random project he abandoned. “It had been about a year. My family was trying to get further south from where they’d been hiding out, when our car had a tree fall on it. My dad died instantly. My mom tried to console me as she slowly bled out in the passenger seat. I was trapped in my carseat, unable to even hug my mom one last time. A few hours after my mom finally stopped breathing, I had run out of tears to cry. I saw lights coming from the other direction. The car stopped. The man got out and approached. When he saw I was still alive, he immediately opened the door via the broken window, got me out and into his car. He promised he’d keep me safe. I was still in there an hour later when he came back. He had buried my family. He took me home, and he became my adopted father. His name was Jim, and he was a mechanic. He was a nice man, a little shy, but he taught me everything I know about tinkering.” “What happened to him?” “He was living happily in Raleigh last time I visited. He was always there, and while he couldn’t replace my real dad, Jim was the best I could ever hope for.” “I’m sorry Jack.” “Well, if that hadn’t have happened I’d have ended up like old Austin, all old and boring and businessy. No offense.” “None taken.” “Anyway, we got a big day tomorrow. I’m gonna hit the sack. Then I’m gonna go to bed. WINK!” “Jesus Christ Jack that’s disgusting. I’m leaving.” “IT WAS A JOKE” he shouted at me as I retreated. haha Masturbation jokes.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 22:59:42 +0000

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