WOOOOOOOO SUPRISE SUPRISE SUPRISE!!!!!! #Mel’s Inspirational Centre# “ WHEN THE HEART LIES“ FOR PREVIOUS CHAPTERS CHECK MY TIMELINE CHAPTER 9 “Daugette and Annabel accompanied Herlima home that fateful night. She had restless days and sleepless nights, she remembered how deceitful Derek turned out to be… and now Jexter “ the love of her life” turned out to be worst… “How could love be so unfair to me??... Anytime I fall truly in love I get hurt and humiliated“ Herlima said frustratedly…. ”Jexter didn’t even care to look at me for a second time… he was all in Agnes’s embrace” “Worst of it was… I caught him just 2 weeks to our engagement” she sobbed bitterly. “Its okay Herlima” Daugette said “And soon enough you will be fine!! “ Annabel exclaimed Herlima loved Jexter passionately, to earn his love and respect she left her glamorous and dream world… Though she gave him everything yet she never bothered him for anything… “I wish I hadn’t give up everything for Jexter’s sake…. But I did and look where it landed me… I wish I had accepted chief Zukai’s proposal a 3rd wife or Sir Danomor’s proposal that would have been better than a rejected bride“ she said regrettably. Again Herlima was cynical about men…. As much as Annabel and Daugette tried to talk her out of it… Herlima found it very difficult… As a diva people expected much from her… Society wouldn’t let her come out of it… Agnes was famous, Jexter was a living legend and Herlima being a public figure made it more complicated… The news spread like wild fire in the harmattan season…. People who loved the glamourous Herlima made a jibe at her whenever they saw her.. Those who liked the real Herlima felt her pain and wished her well.The worst moments of Herlima’s life had just begun… Her misfortune stroke her immensely this time… people started making a jest out of her.. making resentful remarks…”E don lef d hummer jeep fo di rottin poda poda…now di poda poda don brok dong pan am… e go knw now” she felt disdained knowing the young, intelligent, beautiful and charismatic Herlima feel in love for the right reasons but with the wrong person… She should have known better than to fall for a guy like Jexter…Though Jexter fell enamored with her but he didn’t see it fit to choose her over Agnes… Graduation day had come and Herlima knew attending public gathering or college activity wasn’t the best idea…. But she had no option…It was graduation. She knew the humiliation that awaited her, from her colleagues especially guys who hailed her and ladies who resented her... but with the help of her best friends; she found a little courage to attend the graduation ceremony… The most important day of her life seemed like the least important day of all. She tried to disguise a little but that didn’t work at all for Herlima… The once famous, admired and beautiful Herlima turned into a laughing stock that day… humiliation beyond imagination…she felt like a nugatory. With all the provocation and humiliation, Herlima became deranged with no hope of regaining her senses…. At 1st she feel ill and had sleepless nights but when her besties saw there was no improvement they did what they had to do… they took her to the psychiatrist… after running series of tests on Herlima he diagnosed Insomnaic, fits of anger, anxiety and depression and recommended for Herlima to be admitted to a psychiatric clinic for rehabilitation… he suggested the “Hertsford psychiatric clinic for rehabilitation” which was in a secluded area outside town with professionals like himself and trained nurses that could her recover quickly…and mostly no one knew about her past… “That would be the best thing to do right now” the doctor said “okay ” they nodded in agreement. “I will make arrangement for her admission right away…. Who will pay the bills? He raised a brow questioningly “we will takcare of that doctor… no matter how much it is we just want our friend to be normal and okay again” they exclaimed “Very well then… go to the secretary’s office and take a rehabilitation form, fill it an go to the finance department and do the necessary payments “ “Thank you doctor “ they gave sigh of relief The next day an ambulance came by and took Herlima to the rehab centre … Life became even more complicated now for Herlima…This was definitely not the way she had planned her life… If all went well; she would have been engaged to Jexter by then. Getting use to the facility wasn’t easy… as a change in environment required one’s adaption and acceptance to that change… She had several sleepless nights and restless days; she would talk herself the whole day. Some days were happy days and some were sad but all those days had something to do with Jexter’s misery in her life; its either she was laughing at her frustrated lifen or crying at her misfortune. The health workers had a hard time dealing with Herlima’s uncooperative attitude. None of them came closer without a fight especially to administer her treatment… Annabel and Daugette visited her during the weekends… and that was the only time she was in a good mood; the only time she would take her medication without a fight or even let Miltonia, one of the nurses assigned to her, plait her hair. She was easily infuriated… she extended her vexation to everyone. Things took a different turn in Herlima’s miserable and hopeless life when Dr Abu Macaley; one of the best psychiatrist in Sierra Leone got assigned to the “Hertsford rehab centre” to head the centre. He was married with 3 sons...His wife and children lived abroad. He was also a counselor… A very good one as at that, he grew fun of Herlima and saw her as the daughter he longed for all these while. He was amazed at Herlima’s intelligence. On her good days both of them had a lengthy discussion about her past, her glorious days and her miserable days… he helped talk her out of it by counseling her… and as time went on she eventually adapted to the environment…. She got use to the people around her and slowly her behavior and perception about life changed… CHAPTER 10 LOADING... Happy Birthday to a sister frm another mother... Love u loads n have fun sweetheart
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 16:08:31 +0000

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