WOP HEADLINES NALA MANDATE AUDITORIUM Ikhona indoda ongayilandela ungalahlekelwa lutho kodwa uzuze...igama layo uDr HQ Nala -words from Ps TG Nala whom Dr HQ Nala took from no where but today he own cars, houses, and a very successful school called LCM Academy, and he is now monitoring Dr HQ Nalas WOP Academy. After sharing his lifetime testimony which left the masses with tremendous motivation, he then humbled himself and welcome the God of Plenty Dr HQ Nala on stage. I curse the spirit of TB, HIV, insanity, miscarriages, medical operation and release the divine operation to peoples lives. I chase demons in your life, I torment every tormentor, I release judgment upon devils work, fire from the crown of your head, in your hands, in your arms, your feet, your whole body fire!!!!! - Dr HQ Nala He then spoke about the campaign which he named We speak what we know and testify about what we have seen where Plentians will invade each province sikhulume esikwaziyo sifakaze ngesikubonile this is meant to help the sick and troubled people. In that moment people ran straight to the front and testified about what God of Plenty did in their lives after they have been to izinyanga and sangomas, spent lots of money seeking for help but were never helped until they came to Dr HQ Nala. Among these people were: 1. MR BUTHELEZI: who had challenges in his business, has been to many traditional healers but never got help, Dr HQ Nala helped him free of charge. 2. MAKA ASANDA: (8 year old boy) who had no testes but the anointing of Dr HQ Nala on Faith Oil restored his testes after spending lot of money. He has done 3 operations each cost R32 000!!!! 3. MR JALI: went to every inyanga you may know! He even crossed boarders to inyanga in Swaziland, Zimbabwe he went all over South Africa until he went abroad! But Dr HQ Nala released his things free of charge, today he was standing infront of the congregation engaging with his beloved wife after looking for his soul mate for a long time. 4. MARRY JUNGILE (from Lusikisiki): she was sick, none of her relationship worked, she did not have miscarriages but kids would just disappear in her womb, there was something eating babies in her stomach, she drank Faith Water and spent an hour in the toilet, the animal that was living inside her eating her babies came out! It was something she cant explain. 5. THANDEKILE DLAMINI: from uMlazi was accompanied by her mother. She left many people with tears when she presented a praise poem to Dr HQ Nala her healer after he healed her from cancer! Dr Nala prophesied that there is an evil spirit that caused her not to study and there are things that move in her stomach. She was delivered! 6. CAROLS DAUGHTER: had a snake eating kids from her stomach, her child was born with fits but doctors denied that the child had fits because the mother had no witness, it only did that when they were along with her mother. And her son was sick with TB, he called the family to say his goodbyes, but his mother remembered that she has Faith Water and Faith Oil. The boy did not die and during the Night of Plenty the child got healed from fits. She is no longer CAROL NTOMZALE but she is now ONAKHOKONKE!!! 7. THULISILE DUMBE (from Olundi): was unemployed, she was not talking to her mother after they quarreled 4 years back!!! Her mother would not answer THULISILEs calls! She tried to apologize but apology was not accepted! But not after she connected with Dr HQ Nalas anointing. They are now in good terms with her mother everybody is happy at home. 8. MLUNGISI (from uMlazi): who was resurrected from the dead also witnessed that after being sick for a long time, he was never helped until he met Dr HQ Nala who raised him from the dead!!! Many more testified!!!! 3 lame people walked!!!!! DASSENHOEK BRANCH 1. PHUMEZAs left side would turn into a snake at night and the whole left side was numb. She couldnt lift her arm. This troubled her until she consulted traditional healers who recommended that she must be a sangoma. Today she was filled with joy as she was able to raise her left arm immediately after prayer and also felt her left side for the first time after a long time. 2. NONHLANHLA HLOPHE: was robbed by her employer an amount of money last year. Recently, the Pastor declared the release of monies and to her surprise, the employer called to pay back what was due to her. SOWETO BRANCH 1. GRACE MPANZAs daughter is pregnant and she was hospitalized last week due to her high blood pressure and the nurse told her that they need to operate her. Grace gave her daughter Faith Water before she was operated and when the doctors came to check on her they found that her blood pressure is normal and she will give birth in a normal way. She was then sent home immediately because there was nothing wrong with her. 2. SIBUSISO TIBE (Known as Zitha Tibe). One of DR HQ Nalas son gave a prophecy last Sunday that some people will receive new jobs this week, Sibusiso was one of them who received 2 job offers and he didnt even know which one he can choose. Hes grateful and want to thank the God of Plenty that every thing in his life is going well. NQUTHU BRANCH 1. PHINDILE KHUMALO received a call to come for an interview after she gave an offering and received her job by faith at church last sunday after a prophectic instruction was given to brethren to give with whatever they had so to release what they have been individually desiring for a long time she went and it was like they were just waiting for her and instead of an interview she was given forms to sign and taken through the procedures as a new employee. 2. SONTO NGOBESE: It was early in May when there was a service entlitled FINANCIAL FREEDOM SUNDAY and all debts were being cancelled, she was one of the people who has witnessed the power of WOP anointing...She had a loan that was due to end in June this year but since the end of May no deductions have been made in her account and the bank has confirmed that her loan has been payed up. 3. MRS SIBISI: she applied for a job opportunity in March and sealed her envelopes of her documents with faith water, she applied in 4 different schools and to her suprise all 4 schools called her for interviews of which all her interviews were very easy. 4. ZINHLE KHUMALO: her business license had expired and by law it had to be closed but she came to church and was ministered to for her business and later that evening after she was ministered to (Ps NC Nala saw a vision of men who were to open her business) and in the morning she called to confirm that indeed those men came to open for her and now her business is operating again. 5. LINDELIHLE MBHELE: her uncle was involved in a car accident and was told in hospital that his spine was damaged and he also couldnt feel his lower body and was told that he will never walk again but she gave them faith oil to rub on his back and faith water and the uncle later called to say that he is now healed and is able to walk. MPUMALANGA BRANCH The spirit of solidarity is taught at Nala Mandate! Even kids know that they must love one another. KHANYISILE MBATHA from Nelpruit won 10 tickets from the competition at Riverside mall and she took 10 children from church nd spent the whole day with them, they went to MacDonald to eat as WOP Kids. It is amazing the way kids practice WOP teachings in this branch!!! 1.SPHIWE SITHOLE from Msholozi was prophesied that she is attacked by spirit of depression and lot of challenges that lead her to think of commiting suicide. She confirmed the prophecy and was delivered. 2.ZODWA NDZINISA from Barbeton was also ministered and delivered from spirit of poverty and the difficult challenges in her life that she faced every day. While ministering to her the Holy Spirit revealed that Zodwa came to request God to release financial breakthrough to her as she doesnt know what to eat or how to live and she confirmed the prophecy. Pastor Mbatha requested everyone who feel touched to bless Zodwa and hand of compasion of R400 was given by church members to Zodwa. 3.NOMSA NGWENYA was blessed by Pastors, during giving time she came forward to give shoes that she bought for the needy kid in the church. 4.NOMPUMELELO FAKUDE from Sabie also donated with clothes and was blessed by Pastors. Labahaya......Labaho Siyangena.....Siyabangena wopnews.co.za WOP NEWS DESK
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 18:25:48 +0000

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