WOP NEWS GOOD NEWS YOU DESERVE TO KNOW NALA MANDATE CONFERENCE: DAY 1 Today was the first day of NALA MANDATE CONFERENCE, where the Plentiologist took the stage and sang a song which God delivered to him, when he accepted his calling, I will do whatever You want me to do, I will go wherever You want me to go, here I am Lord send me. He then shared some of his experiences and things that God had said to him when he started his ministry, as a word of advice and wisdom. God said: go out and reach my people, I didnt understand, I was still choosing, I was very allergic to preach to people who dont think in my level, then God spoke to me from 2004 until 2006. I told my wife that she must take me as someone who is out for the Lord, I will do whatever God wants me to do. I have arrived to a level where I will go anywhere God wants me to go, where there is a calling, there is provision. When anything is in its purpose, you need it, you may not want it but you need it because there is no will of God until you function on your purpose. SERMON ENTITLED: CALLING AND MANDATE Many people run with a calling, those who are called have a word that said, I want you to come When you were called, you heard a voice but you dont have a message, sometimes people get healed and sometimes they dont get healed. MARK 1:9-18 When you are called, find someone in their mandate and submit under him; when you think you are called, find someone to submit to, you may be older than that person but submit, you may have more ideas than that person but still submit to him People are so strict, they expect other people to do what they dont do themselves, if you are a man of God, you cannot tell people to give when you have not given or you cannot tell people to submit when you dont submit This generation thinks that education will make them live strong, healthy, live long, but education is supposed to help you when you are walking on the path of life A son does the will of the father; today we have sons who want to be pleased by their fathers. Sons and daughters dont demand, all they do must please their fathers, may the Lord help you to find your purpose through submitting to the man He has called If God wants to do something big to your life or nation, He will give it to a Prophet; then that nation will do the will of God and submit to that Prophet. Your marriage, business, even your own calling depends on this mandate which God has given to us. Never call me your lord if you dont know what you mean. The word lord means master, owner, someone who overshadows you.. the word Lord is stronger than the word King; never call yourself servant to someone whom you cant submit to. Servant means slave, a servant doesnt have a will of his own, eg, if you get R1 million on the road, you would take that million to your lord. When you say I am a master, all that I am is yours, all that I have is yours. A calling is when God is saying come, when you respond to the calling you go through the process of training. HOW DOES GOD TRAIN YOU? He sends you, He does things before you; as He does things to you; you must learn and you are called a disciple. Disciple is one who learns from another person. All Plentians are my disciples because I am teaching them my script, if you dont like that leave Plentianity. Blessed are Pastors in our time who say, although we dont understand how God is using him but we says go ahead with your thing. Never condemn a gospel that believes Jesus is the Son of God and that He was born in the flesh. We cannot have believers who gossip others, you have not come to fix others here. PLENTIOLOGISTS WARNING TO PORTERS WORKING AT NALA MANDATE INTERNATIONAL Welcome everyone with love and you direct them to their seat in such a caring manner, you treat them as if you want something from them. The power of God that He has given to us is to uplift people not to oppress them. No one in this church has the right to discipline people not unless you are in position to do so. Many are called but few are chosen, you can have a high calling but fail. To be a Plentian means you are a disciple of the World of Plenty, not of the bible. It means you are a disciplined person who went through different processes. The more you submit to the anointing of this house, the more you attract the anointing. The Plentiologist made a very clear statement to the leaders of different departments: I say to people when I ask them to lead a certain department and the leader doesnt report back, that person is in leading themselves. You are compelled to report every discussion you have among yourselves. If you are not ready to be hated that you tell the leader everything, you are not a disciple. You are a disciple of Nala Mandate because you are trained. Submission means I submit even if I do not like to do so. At Nala Mandate we teach order, protocol and respect. We teach you to respect your parents and leaders. This is the time of the heroes who overcome with their mind, this is not time for stubbornness. At Nala Mandate we dont deal with spiritual things only, Jesus was a King because He was born of David. We believe you can be a King in the flesh and spiritually. How do you believe that God is a King and you say you are not a King and you think unbelievers are kings, do you see how bad colonization is! God spoke to King DR HQ NALA and said to him Many Pastors die without finding their purpose; they do not know Gods principles, they know the Bible but they dont know principles. They do not know My ways. God told the Plentiologist that if he sticks to Gods ways, he may seem to be a fool; he may not pray but he will attract the anointing. There are ways that seem good to you but it ends up to be bad; the ways of God are ways where life succeeds. The ways of God are simple, you submit and respect; if you submit to your leader who has done a mistake the ways of God have a way to protect you. Thereafter the Plentiologist taught about a Prophet that a prophet has an ability that whatever he speaks to God about happens; a Prophet has a skill to speak to the heart of God. God puts His words in the mouth of the Prophet and God speaks through the Prophet. The word of God is fire and God has put His word in the Prophet and when he says fire there will be fire. God said to me whenever you speak to people; I will confirm your words with signs and wonders. DECLARATIONS Before I depart on this earth there will arise a nation who are Plentians who will be strong believing in God and they will make their policies according to Gods ways. Father in the name of Jesus I speak your powerful anointing upon these people, fill this temple, every fowl spirit you are under my arrest now. I pronounce a blessing over these people, God let whatever they came here for be so. PROPHECIES 1).I see a person with a severe headache; 10 people responded to the prophecy, they were prayed for and set free. 2). NOMPUMELELO XULU was prophesied: I see you disappointed 3 times; you cannot trust now, your heart is broken but fear not and a severe headache strikes you; she confirmed the prophecy that this spirit of disappointment had been following her for a very long time. The Plentiologist asked her what does she want about this issue and she responded and said she wants peace within herself; the KING DR HQ NALA ministered to her and released the spirit of peace in her soul. She was instructed to sip Faith Water 3 times; she was completely delivered and healed. 3). There is a person who has lost their brown and reddish money bags, NANDIPHA MHATU responded to the prophecy that this happened in the month of September; she lost her money bag with an amount of R280 inside. The Plentiologist gave her a prophetic instruction to purchase a new money bag and keep it for 3 days thereafter give it away. Today will be day two of the conference @ 12pm
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 07:34:20 +0000

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