WOP NEWS HEADLINES Just as the GOSPEL OF BLESSING for every - TopicsExpress


WOP NEWS HEADLINES Just as the GOSPEL OF BLESSING for every nation was given to Abraham, and GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM of God was given as a message to Jesus christ, and the GOSPEL OF GRACE to the Gentiles was revealed to Paul, all these gospels were given as part of the manifold wisdom of God, in the same way God has revealed to me the GOSPEL OF PLENTY for my generation as the part of the manifold wisdom of God. I believe I am born to preach/teach the Gospel of Plenty which forms parts of manifold wisdom of God said Dr HQ Nala It was the 4th day of the World of Plenty Conference where Dr HQ Nala went deeper in defining the Gospel of plenty. He firstly defined the Gospel as the power of God or (good news for the power of God) according to the Bible. Then he defined the Gospel of Plenty as The Good news of the power of God to have MORE THAN ENOUGH He taught that the GOSPEL OF PLENTY is a reason why Jesus came on earth according to John 10 verse 10 *if salvation and holiness was the only thing that God wanted us to have,he would not have wasted time talking about healing, prosperity and success in fact the death of Jesus provided three pillars 1. Salvation 2. Healing 3. Prosperity : He became poor so that we become rich. Dr HQ Nala declared saying: Gospel of plenty is a Gospel of MORE THAN ENOUGH He then said: My message to the church is the Gospel of plenty, of abundance and more than enough. Jesus said I have come that they may have life and have it in abundance....meaning He came that we may have plenteous life. He went on declaring the Gospel of Plenty as not just a church thing but a kingdom which will produce factories, universities, cities, Health centers even political organisation. He declared and said The time has come for the World of Plenty Gospel to invade God doesnt mandate you into something and not give you the power God said let Us and that authorises you to do. He continued saying; According to the Gospel of Plenty, I have a covenant with God, thats why all the Nala Mandate pastors have my anointing If you were to look for The World of Plenty in the bible you wont find it because it is not in the bible, because I was not born before the bible but God chose and selected me and mandated me to preach the Gospel of Plenty way before even the bible The Plentiologist shared this; There are people whove never seen or came across God directly. They have heard and believed God, they have listened to other peoples messages and got inspired but they never had their own direct message from God. .... but I have come into contact with God and He gave me a task to preach the Gospel of Plenty People have heard about Jesus Christ but the problem is why are they still sick, poor, demon possessed, go to izinyanga even when they have repented and believed Him. Dr Nala said: It is because there are no pastors to teach them the Gospel of good news. Pastors have not heard directly from God because they are busy teaching what inspired them from Christ but they are forgetting that Christ has been believed and what next? I have been a pastor for years, poor, sick and troubled but until one day when I got the revelation of the World of Plenty, world of no sickness, no pain, no poverty where everything is more than enough!!........said the PLENTIOLOGIST He went on inviting Plentians to this Good world saying; The Gospel of Plenty is given to me because of you. I believe the Gospel of Plenty is the Gospel of the glory of Jesus Christ........ God did not just give me this Gospel and I did not just receive it but He gave me His life and I layed down my life for this Gospel.... I believe that the world has no sense and what is sense in the world is nonsense to God. He lastly said Jesus said: go yea to all the world and teach the Gospel but you do not want to listen to mandated people because you are looking for an earthly qualification, when you are being taught about health, you acquire the certificate of this world forgetting that Jesus who mandated you is indeed the founder of it all. God can develop the best policy for this country, therefore believe in God! He declared and said the time has come for the world of plenty Gospel to invade Labahaya Labaho Siyangena Siyabangena wopnews.co.za WOP News Desk
Posted on: Thu, 29 May 2014 18:56:48 +0000

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