WOP NEWS HEADLINES NALA MANDATE AUDITORIUM. DIVINE ACADEMIC SUCCESS SUNDAY I made a decision, I will never die doubting, I will die in Faith, it is by Faith that everyone who is here today will not fail; if you doubt; doubt that you will fail, it is a sure case that you will pass, never doubt your success because your success has been done by DR HQ NALA..... as he took of the stage. Today the Bishop himself dedicated this service to all Students and all people who want to be educated; as we all know that this is the last term for all Academic students; they will be starting to write their last Exams for the Year; all Grade 12 students will start to write tomorrow; the Auditorium was fully packed of students who are all Plentians, even last week Tuesday we had Professors; Educators; Doctors and Scientists; some of them were from Japan; America; Thialand etc..., who were lecturers from University Of Kwa Zulu Natal (UKZN); because many students from their University are all Plentians; so they were so intrigued to see the Bishop, they sat attentively listening to the Bishop almost the whole service. So DR HQ NALA prayed for every student today because he believes that no one is a failure and even more when you are a Plentian. He started by saying, the fact that you are born, you are a success, then where would failure get in Gods success. Today some of you will sleep and a miracle will take place, what was troubling you in your studies will no longer trouble you. I think failure begins when there is no God in your education; if you pass, you just pass the subject you know; how much more if you know about the Creator? How do you fail if you have the Holy Ghost Failure begins when you stop what you are doing. Education isnt limited to formal education or in University. Education is adding knowledge to yourself. Plentians let us go and study, if you will believe like the Christians, you wont have an impact because here on earth they dont have a final authority in a leader. Pastors lets go and research, so you can offer a balanced knowledge; study about eating balanced food. Why do we go to University? We go to University to have a license according to this world; worst people who go study for business, white people came to give you their education, you can never be greater than them. If you are going to University as a Plentian, you go as a deployee and learn what they have learnt. Some will need to be educated, some wont need to because of the glory of the Kingdom. EMERGENCY SECTION KHANYILE FLORENCE: was lame for 3 weeks due to sharp pains on her feet; the Bishop prayed for her and she was completely healed. NOBUHLE MFEKA: was lame for 12 months; she was troubled by an STI called cauliflower; to an extent that it became cancer, she was given 5 days for her complete healing. For todays detailed news visit our news website on wopnews.co.za
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 04:54:47 +0000

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