WOP NEWS HEADLINES NALA MANDATE AUDITORIUM. Let me tell you people of South Africa; I want answers from the Department of Health; what does it mean when a person who had a certificate of being HIV POSITIVE and they go back after drinking Faith Water and test NEGATIVE? Why is an HIV POSITIVE certificate accepted easily and the NEGATIVE one be scrutinized as a lie by the Government. We will take a stand and march against the Department of Health and they must tell the people where am I wrong and if Im right I want them to tell the people that I can heal AIDS with the anointing of God. Through my Faith Water the statistics of AIDS has gone down.....words by Dr HQ Nala. 4 important things to check when you get sick; dont rush to the doctors. 1. Check your thinking system whether your thoughts are healthy or good; if they are not good, remove them. 2. Check your eating habits whether you eat a lot of starch; if you have ulcers it may be because you are worried about something or ate to much spicy food. 3. Get rid of hating people and unforgiveness; anger stays in the bossom of fools. 4. Check your activities; exercising isnt a way of being healthy, check your sleeping habit and drink warm water everyday. EMERGENCY SECTION. 4 lame people received their instant miracle after DR HQ NALA prayed for them. LUCKY GWALA : was lame due to stroke since February 2014, he was healed as we saw him walking without his walking stick. MAM NTULI: had been lame for 2 weeks and her entire body was shaking; after DR HQ NALA commanded her to stand immediately her body stopped to shake and she walked without any support. JABU NDLOVU: was involved in a car accident early this year in May; this caused her to be lame and to use crutches; the Bishop first cast out pain in her body, it stopped after that she started to run and she was completely healed. For todays detailed news visit our news website on wopnews.co.za
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 18:28:35 +0000

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