WOP NEWS HEADLINES NALA MANDATE AUDITORIUM South Africa, Department Of Health, let us heal our people, its a waste of time to fight - this was the statement from DR HQ NALA after he heard that hospitals treat multitudes of Plentians unfairly when they wear DR HQ NALAS t-shirts and when they go to test for AIDS, they do not give them their certificates when they test negative. The Plentiologist started off by requesting the entire congregation of plentians to give a hand of compassion (money) to Mabuyi Msomi. She received an amount of R9,500, she was extremely delighted, jubilant and thankful for this marvelous deed done in her life. Mabuyi Msomi had stomach cancer, her intestines could be seen openly, she used pipes to relieve the waste from her body, she had been rejected by her family members due this situation, her neighbour told her about DR HQ NALA who can help her, she was prayed for by DR HQ NALA who commanded the pain to leave her body first, since that day she was on the process of her healing, she is now healed completely and is well able to go and use the toilet on her own. DR HQ NALA announced that he will be building for her a huge house on his purpose day (birthday) on 28 August, cause she is a plentian now. THE PRODUCT OF WORDS The Plentiologist imparted such mysterious, brilliant, smart wisdom to all the Plentians, that words have a product. DR HQ NALA exclaimed saying: I believe that the richest place is not any mine that has gold, diamond, platinum, precious stones or any earthly treasure but riches are the product of words. Words go beyond what you say, beyond sounds and beyond meaning. A clear study shows us that: words are not just what we say, sound or audio, but whenever you think of words, think of thoughts, images, gestures or body language. Words are the source of every thing we see, whatever exist is the product of words. If you can control words, you will be well able to control everything. DR HQ NALA strongly believes that the poorest person is not the one without money or material things, but is the one who is unskilled in talking or doesnt know how to use his words. We as Plentians shall talk the talk of faith, if you intend to change your life, first change the words you speak. DR HQ NALA gave us an example that if today somebody had to give you 1 Million Rand and you are unskilled in words you would lose it all. Proverbs 18 v 20 What you need to do to be satisfied? You will be satisfied with the words you speak, not your salary, houses, cars nor your wife will satisfy you. We should stop fighting with our partners, employers, or accuse God, cause it is what you speak that will give you complete satisfaction. PLENTIANS if youll see something that you are not satisfied about speak the opposite of what you see DR HQ NALA made a prayer for the sick, whilst he was ministering the word of God. IN THE NAME OF JESUS, WHATEVER IS IN YOUR BODY, BEFORE THE END OF THE SERMON, IT WILL DISAPPEAR. The plentians confessed and said: In my mouth, I will speak words of plenty, so that my cup will be overflowing Proverbs:18 v 21 Death and life are found in the power of the tongue. I have the power above every disease. I have authority over all demons When someone speaks to you, know that they are conveying something in your spirit from your spirit to your soul, from your soul to your body. Dont allow your self to get bored of confessing - says DR HQ NALA. The statement of DR HQ NALA: the quality of your thoughts determines the quality your words and the quality of your words determines the quality of your life. Until you deal with your thoughts you will never be what DR HQ NALA confesses. I AM A PROFESSIONAL SPEAKER, I AM SKILLED IN TALKING. DR HQ NALA GAVE ALL PLENTIANS THE AUTHORITY TO GO AND TROUBLE WHAT TROUBLES PEOPLE AND TO HEAL THE SICK WITH THE ANOINTING GOD GAVE HIM. PROPHECIES: 1)SENZOKUHLE NXUMALO: WAS PROPHESIED THAT THERE IS A PERSON WITH 2 BOYS AND THEY HAVE A PROBLEM AT SCHOOL, SHE CONFIRMED THE PROPHECY AND ADDED THAT HER MOTHER HAS A CHEST PAIN, HER MOTHER WAS DECLAIRED HEALED AND ALL IS WELL WITH HER BOYS. PROPHECY: I SEE SOMEONE WITH AN EAR PROBLEM. PROPHECY:THERES A SUPERMARKET WRITTEN IN RED LETTERS, I SEE A WOMAN AND I SEE YOU HAVE ISSUES, I SEE A DISPUTE IN YOUR FAMILY, SHE WAS TOLD THAT SHE NEEDS TO EMPTY HER HEART. THE PLENTIOLOGIST BLESSED HER. PROPHECY: I SEE A WOMAN WHO HAS BREAST CANCER (GOD TOLD DR HQ NALA THAT THERE IS A SPECIAL ANOINTING THAT DEALS WITH LUMPS). PROPHECY: I see someone who is vomiting and is feeling dizzy, the Plentiologist spoke words of healing wherever they were standing. SPIRITS OF ASTHMA, DEMONIC FORCES, CAR ACCIDENTS, WITCHCRAFT, UBUNGOMA, CORUPTION WERE CAST OUT. PROPHECY: I see somebody who will receive an amount of R250 000.00 PROPHECY: THERE IS MONEY THAT WILL COME TO PASTOR MNOMIYA I release money to Plentians, I release money in your spirit. Nquthu Branch PROPHECIES: SIPHO MDLALOSE: was prophesied that he is coming from a big family which ended up being scattered with lots of unresolved issues which has led them to be deprived from the riches and the blessings of his father and that there is something connecting him with Induna and that he is gifted such that whenever he speaks people will listen to him he confirmed all the prophecies and was ministered to and a blessing was spoken over his life. 2. MLUNGISI MDLALOSE: I see you having something to do with electricity and I see a studying opportunity towards that field, he confirmed that he is doing electrical engineering and he was ministered to and a spirit of isichitho, bad spirits were cursed out, light and prosperity were spoken upon his future. 3. PHILILE RADEBE: was prophesied that she was fired without a valid reason and that there was someone at work who was behind her being unfairly dismissed, she confirmed the prophecy and she was ministered to and she was told to expect a call from her employers. 4. NKOSINATHI CELE: I see you driving a white van with a trolley at the back carrying people, I also see great business opportunities coming your way. LCM TESTIMONIES: 1. NTOMBIKHONA BUTHELEZI: Her husband has been away for 4 years leaving her and her children with no means to live but she was ministered to and now he is back at home and he is providing for his family and now he gives them an amount of R4000.00 monthly, something he has never done before. 2. LINDIWE MANYONI: Had a challenge on her womb causing her to have pains during her cycle but she was ministered to and that spirit was cast out, she is now healed. 3. MLUNGISI MDLALOSE: Who was late for his Learners test and the bus had already left but he spoke to the bottle of faith water and the bus waited for him and he got there in time and passed. Labahaya......Labaho Siyangena.....Siyabangena wopnews.co.za Info: 031 822 0389 Facebook: Dr HQ Nala
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 20:39:06 +0000

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