WOP TESTIMONY OF THE WEEK BUSISIWE MTHETHWA. BUSISIWE MTHETHWA was completely lame for 2 months, which were August and September 2014, because her lower waist had been completely damaged and had lost its function, it was incapable to function in a normal manner, this challenge caused her to be seated down daily at her home. In these 2 months of being lame, she had felt pain and sorrow inside her heart, she explains that she had experienced a very difficult situation because she used to be nursed through being carried, given a bath, taken to the toilet and she was totally unable to do anything. Her hands were also regarded as dead hands, she had been troublesome to the people in her surroundings. She had been to traditional healers seeking help, but they failed. She heard that DR HQ NALA would be at Stanger for Healing and Miracle Mandate through her neighbour who are MRS MAJOLAS (2 wives), they used to consistently inform her about DR HQ NALA especially the younger wife had informed her for a very long time regarding DR HQ NALA, she had never paid attention to them. She told herself Dr HQ Nala is definitely here for me. She did not use a wheelchair because she used to stay indoors always, when she proceeded to the STANGER SERVICE she borrowed a wheelchair from a granny who is a close neighbour to her. She came to the service and everyone was ministered to by the Pastors of NALA MANDATE INTERNATIONAL and in no time lame people stood up and walked but she didnt stand at that moment. Her heart was very unhappy when she perceived that she was still incapable to walk, she was accompanied by her sister and many more people in a group who assisted to carry her. At that time one of her sisters was really sad, but she persistently kept on telling Busisiwe to keep on having Faith, she would respond saying: I have Faith. Her friend at that moment kept on anointing her feet with Faith Oil but no instant miracle took place, she still remained on her wheelchair. Inspite of what Busisiwe saw with her eyes, she went beyond that and she kept on having Faith and praying uttering these words GOD OF DR HQ NALA will never forsake me. She had purchased many Faith Water, Faith Oil, World of Plenty Sticker and a World of Plenty t-shirt, because she used to have bad dreams of snakes, these snakes used to beat her, she took the World of Plenty t-shirt and wore it as her night dress in the evening and she had also pasted the World of Plenty sticker on her bed headboard having Faith that all these bad dreams would vanish and leave her, that very night she returned from the Stanger service she slept and rested peacefully as a baby. She made a mixture of Faith Water and Faith Oil and applied it on her feet and she would pray when she was on her bed without her being able to walk, she would say: DR HQ NALA I need to be saved. After 2 weeks she saw herself receiving power and the ability to rise and walk with baby steps, when she saw herself doing this, she then stated KING DR HQ NALA declared that those who did not rise and walk instantly, they are in a process of their healing. She kept on using World of Plenty faith products and praying, within that short space of time she saw herself being well able to walk properly. Busisiwe proudly states: Presently I feel healed completely, I am perfectly well and I am capable to walk properly on my own and the bad dreams have never troubled me again, in other words I am a Plentian now. She appreciated and thanked both her neighbours who had encouraged her to come and receive her healing. With utmost reverence she thanked KING DR HQ NALA with these powerful words Indeed KING DR HQ NALA is sent by Jesus Christ to descend on this earth and help us His people, whosoever is blind folded to see that he (KING DR HQ NALA) is His son does not know anything. Labahaya....Labaho Siyangena .....Siyabangena wopnews.co.za. Facebook: Dr HQ Nala Info: 031 822 0389
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 16:57:06 +0000

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