WORD ALIVE … Bringing the relevance of God’s Word to our - TopicsExpress


WORD ALIVE … Bringing the relevance of God’s Word to our everyday life. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAKE YOUR OWN IMPRESSION IN LIFE (Vol 1; No 29) People are born originals, but most die copies. Rick Warren said, “All of us start out as originals. Unfortunately, many end up as carbon copies of someone else.” You have no duplicate in the whole world. Only you can be you. You have a unique individuality and identity that is quite different from any other person. You don’t have a carbon copy in the whole world. You are original! Let your life be authentic. No one else on earth will be able to play the role God has created you to play. Therefore don’t copy somebody else because you can never be the person. You are the only “you” God created. He “personally formed and made” you (Isaiah 43:7 TM). Paul said, “God … has made us what we are” (Ephesians 2:10 LB). The Psalmist says, “God … shaped each person in turn” (Psalm 33:13-15 TM). You cannot be great in life by imitation. Imitation is limitation. Make your own impression in life. Dare to be what you are. Resolve to be yourself. You are supposed to stand out not to blend in. Leo Buscaglia said, “The easiest thing to be in the world is you. The most difficult thing to be is what other people want you to be. Don’t let them put you in that position.” The most exhausting and frustrating thing in life is to live it trying to be someone else. Stop wishing you were this person or that person. Stop wishing what you know you are not. Let God make you fully YOU! Rejoice in your God-given temperament and use it to His glory. God made some people shy, and others outgoing. If you are shy, remember that your shyness is not an excuse to avoid relationship; rather it means you will love the world in a way different from an extrovert. So stop pretending to be an extrovert, when it is obvious that you are not. God is not glorified in your life if you try to wear another person’s personality. You must be the person God created you to be. For you to be the person you ought to be you’ve got to discover the person God has created you to be. You’ve got to find out the peculiar abilities, gifts, talents, temperaments and the personality that God has endowed you with. They could be spiritual or natural endowment. They are there. Ask God to open your eyes to see them. They are freely given unto you by God for the assignment He has destined for you. Those things you are strongly inclined or prone to may be strong indications of what God wants you to do with your life. Mike Murdock said, “What you love the most is a clue to the gift you contain.” When you attempt to serve God in the ways you are not endowed to serve Him, it feels like forcing a round peg in a square hole. More often than not God matches our endowments with our calling. Your endowments are not just to make a living; it is also for the ministry. You’ve got a talent and God wants you to develop it. You can only develop the talent you have, not the one you want. When it comes to your character, you must never stop working on your frail points. But when it comes to fulfilling your God-given assignment, you must recognize your strength and give yourself to it. Part of accepting the person God has created you to be is recognizing your strengths and your limitations. Nobody is good at everything. Identify your strong points and utilize it maximally in service unto God. Don’t compare yourself with other people. When you do, you will feel either you are “better of” or that you don’t “measure up.” Neither of them is good for you.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Jun 2013 08:23:00 +0000

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