WORD FOR TODAY- AM I BURNING OR WHATS HAPPENING?? I have celebrated alot of achievements in my life, good career,great success, launched a number of CDS,written a few books,ministered in a number of great meetings,met a few great people etc but there is no greater achievement than the day i discovered or heard the call of God upon my life to be a coworker with him in the vineyard, when i received the mandate to do that which if God was here could be his work-WINNING SOULS. I took time last week to study the book of Exodus and one specific part caught my eyes, the calling of Moses at the BURNING BUSH. All the years Moses had taken care of his father in-laws sheep and goats in that place but he never noticed or had any interest with the bush. There were many bushes and i am certain that he even hid behind them when nature called as am certain there were no mobile toilets then. But one of the days as he went on with his taking care of the sheep, suddenly one of the bushes was on fire and it was not being consumed by the fire. Moses could not help noticing that specific bush as the bible records. For a long time people could not recognize me, some even hid behind me and urinated on my head, some called me names, employers put me off because i did not have good education and papers, when sicknesses came around they landed on me like the dust in the wilderness landed on the bush. But on this specific day when the bush caught fire, the bible says at first Moses was scared. This helped me to know from the time i caught the fire of God why the Devil has been so frightened by me, why addictions are no longer at ease when am around, why poverty sees me and it trembles i wonder what happened to sicknesses that had alot of courage and hitting on me whenever they felt like and God spoke to me and said when you are on fire for me some things get scared. Then Moses moved closer to look at it and God spoke to me and said, WHEN YOU SET YOURSELF ON FIRE FOR ME, YOU WILL MAKE PEOPLE CURIOUS AND WANT TO LOOK AT YOU CLOSELY. I remember when the disciples received the Holy spirit on the day of Pentecost tongues of fire were seen on their heads and people gathered to look at them as others lamented they were drunk too early but that morning over 3000 people gave their lives to Jesus, when Shadrack, Meshack and Abednego were thrown into the fire the whole Israel including the king hang around to watch them and the king said i threw in 3 people but i see as if they are four, this means the king and the whole Israel stayed around to see what will become of them. I declare over your life right now that as you catch the fire of God, Employers shall be curious to look at you and have you on board, the girls that ignored you or the guy that dumped you will be curious to see you, you will attract kings to watch you as you blaze and not get consumed in Jesus name, those that thought you are foolish when you left the world for Jesus will be amazed to see you glorified in the name of Jesus. The reason you are 33 and no man has approached you is because there is nothing unique about you, you think your hips in that short skirt will make you different? all others also have the hips actually bigger and better but the fire for God shall make you different, you shall attract business deals, money, people etc when you catch fire. FINALLY THERE IS A QUOTE I READ: WHEN YOU SET YOURSELF ON FIRE FOR GOD THE WORLD GATHERS AROUND TO SEE YOU ON FIRE AND NOT BURNING. DO I HAVE SOME FEW MORE PEOPLE ON FIRE FOR THIS GOD?? RAFFIAN SAMUEL.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 12:54:01 +0000

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