WORD FOR TODAY- BREAK CAMP, ADVANCE AND POSSESS I am grateful to God for great ministry going on online through social media; I thank God I am able to minister to over one hundred thousand people in a day through the daily posts. Thanks to those that pray for me, encourage me and stand with me in whichever way and more so those that are ministered to that is what is important to me and God that lives are changing every day. I was doing my devotion this morning and God led me to Deuteronomy 1:6-8, he was speaking to the children of Israel from the wilderness where they had camped for a long time. He told Moses tell my people they have dwelt in this place for too long its time to break camp, to advance and posses the land I swore to their forefathers. The children of Israel had moved from the place where the snakes were biting them, the cloud was there by day to protect them from the hot sun and the pillar of fire to keep them warm at night, manna continued to fall like rain every morning. What amazed me is that they still had the promise of a better land flowing with milk and honey; they had the presence of God with them but still in the wilderness. It is possible to have the promise of God, the presence of God and be in the wilderness because you are the determining factor of when you leave the wilderness. The journey was supposed to take them 11days but it took them 40yrs. God was ministering to me and saying that he works through three steps PROMISE, PROBLEM THEN PROVISION and during the problem he provides grace to make sure that we don’t miss out on the provision because he is not a man to lie neither a son of man to change his mind whatever he says he is watching over it to perform it. In the wilderness the children of Israel got used to the wilderness grace until they made the wilderness their destination what God was speaking to me is that sometimes we are so familiar to the wilderness than the promised land until we turn the wilderness into the promised land not knowing the latter glory is more glorious than the former. The glory of Canaan is greater than the glory of the wilderness. The children of Israel got comfortable in the wilderness and settled there. The bible talks about a man that sat at the gate called beautiful begging ACTS 3:1-10, for many years he sat at the entry of the temple the habitation of the presence of God but never got his miracle. The fact that he sat at the beautiful gate to the presence did not heal him or beautify his life whatsoever. I don’t know what is this beautiful gate in your life right now, some of us its our jobs, our relationships, our businesses, family wealth or whatever. we have sat there for so long but our lameness continues to affect us. There are things that the beauty of the gate cannot do only Jesus can and God is saying to me tell my people in the name of Jesus to arise and advance into the place of promise. YOU HAVE BEEN AROUND THIS PLACE FOR TOO LONG ITS TIME TO BREAK CAMP, SOME OF US IT’S THE CAMPS OF RELATIONSHIPS, ILLEGAL BUSINESSES,IMMORALITY, ADDICTIONS,LAZINESS ETC YOUR BETTER DAYS ARE AHEAD, YOUR MAJOR MONEY IS AHEAD, YOUR REAL WIFE OR HUSBAND IS AHEAD, YOU DON’T HAVE TO LIVE IN THE WILDERNESS ANY LONGER GOD IS CALLING YOU LIKE JESUS TALKING TO PETER, STEP OUT OF THAT BOAT NOW, HEAVEN IS COOPERATING TO BLESS YOU, TO ACCELERATE YOUR LIFE, TO LIFT YOU BUT YOU GOT TO BREAK THE CAMPS OF COMFORT ZONES, WE GOT TO DENOUNCE THE GRACE OF THE WILDERNESS AND EMBRACE THE GRACE OF THE PROMISED LAND IN JESUS NAME. I DON’T KNOW WHO I AM TALKING TO BUT GOD IS TALKING TO YOU YES YOU-BREAK THAT CAMP NOW. RAFFIAN SAMUEL.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 10:17:49 +0000

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