WORD FOR TODAY- BREAKING PROTOCOL part 2 I started yesterday - TopicsExpress


WORD FOR TODAY- BREAKING PROTOCOL part 2 I started yesterday talking about breaking protocol, i said protocol is a way of doing things by a group of people that is considered generally acceptable and if you do against it people consider you crazy or rebellious. The bible says from the time of John the baptist until now the kingdom of God suffers violence and the violent shall take it by force, when you are applying force most of the times protocol is broken. I said all the great people in the bible were men and women who were limited in their own capacity but they broke protocol and thats how they ended up great. I started sharing about Abraham and so today i wish to continue from there 2. David: David was the smallest amongst his brothers, he was not loved and suffered rejection, when all the other sons were presented before Samuel for ordination to be king he was forgotten, when all his brothers were good looking and handsome men working in the military he was a shepherd boy, his brothers audience was people and fellow soldiers his audience was sheep, lions and bears, he was considered to be unqualified, based on the set protocol and order he was not expected to be king or anything near king. Now for this guy to be king he defied certain orders and protocols. There are people right now who are considered useless and unqualified even in their families, I remember when i was in high school even if a relative died they would go for all the other guys from school no one remembered me, after all i had nothing to contribute, i lived my life being treated like i was a half baked monkey, family meetings could easily go on without me because my presence or absence made no difference. There is no more harsh life like a life of irrelevance, if i live or die its all the same, i needed to be needed and so i had to break the protocol to be who i am today. I want to speak to some lastborns right now in Jesus name, you could be going through what i went through or David the king but i want to let you know that you are important to God, God is about to turn tables around, the most irrelevant shall be the most relevant in Jesus name, they treat you like trash because they earn better than you and see you as a burden that is about to change in Jesus name, i know of a man friend of mine who was just like you but today they cant start the meeting without him because he can come and change whatever they have agreed being the sole financier of family projects. David who was dirty and ugly, small and insignificant, his life was changed to be a psalm writer, a great grandfather to Jesus, a battle winner, and more so a man after Gods own heart. I feel in this week of breaking protocol, people are receiving significance in Jesus name your grand children will be carrying your photo in their geometrical sets as they go to school and kiss it every break time in Jesus name , you cannot be fired from your job like you dont matter, you cannot be dumped like you are a used toiletry in Jesus name, God is about to make your name sweet in the tongues of men, men are beginning to talk well of you around the world in Jesus name, I decree and declare that every protocol that made you stand disqualified is broken in Jesus name, Every barrier in your life is broken I speak ISAIAH 45 right now may the Lord send forth men ahead of you to level mountains and fill up valleys on your behalf in Jesus name, kings and queens shall fall before you and wipe dust from your feet, you are no longer a vessel of normal use you are anointed to be a vessel of noble use in Jesus name. JUST LAY YOUR HAND ON YOUR HEAD RIGHT NOW AND SAY AFTER ME, I AM SIGNIFICANT, I AM IMPORTANT AND THE DEVIL CAN DO NOTHING ABOUT IT; IN JESUS NAME THE PROTOCOL THAT MADE ME INSIGNIFICANT IS BROKEN. RAFFIAN SAMUEL MOG
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 11:34:12 +0000

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