WORD FOR TODAY- BREAKING THE PROTOCOL I hope u had a great - TopicsExpress


WORD FOR TODAY- BREAKING THE PROTOCOL I hope u had a great weekend and God has blessed you, I had a great weekend ministering at Enoomatasiani girls, ministering with my awesome band at Godgift and a wedding on Saturday, I can only bless the Lord for grace. On Sunday morning i spoke to my generation on breaking of protocols and i wish to share with you what God spoke to us by grace through me. Protocol is a set way of doing things by a group of people over a period of time that end up becoming a way of life. It can be used interchangeably with order. Families and communities have set protocol that governs or influences a way of doing things. For example there is a protocol or order in certain communities where women cannot be educated, where girls are seen as property and and men are seen as the humans etc. In the Jewish community they had certain protocol or laws that governed their way of life and one of them as i read from the book of Numbers 27:1-7, The bible talks about the daughters of Zelophehad. A man who had died and did not leave sons, according to the protocol or order of the Jewish culture, women were never allowed to inherit anything, but the bible says this daughters decided to break protocol and they stood before Moses and asked for an inheritance, when Moses inquired pf the Lord, God said they were right and they got their share of inheritance, Actually they made God alter his own law and said because of this ones the Law or protocol shall be changed and from then women were allowed to inherit from their fathers possessions. I have come to discover that all the people that made it big time in the bible were men and women that broke protocol, There is no one man i can point at in the bible that was great and did not break protocol. Success is for people that are willing to0 break the barriers and rise above their limitations. I am a man that decided to defy the order of my family where the most successful person is a conductor in the matatu amongst the young men and the girls getting married at a tender age, i chose even though no one makes it i will be the first one to change the cycle of poverty and mediocrity. You were born in that family but you dont have to9 die like everyone in that family, you dont have to end up like anyone else, you are anointed to break protocols. In the bible: 1. ABRAHAM: according to the biological protocol, he was past the age of child bearing, Sarah was too old and it was a high level of madness to expect a son, but he broke the Biological protocol he hoped against hope and eventually God rewarded him with a son. Abraham had lived in a certain order or protocol where after a certain age people were not getting children but he defied the protocol. I know people without certain qualifications dont get certain jobs, but guess what God wants you to be the first one, when you break protocol God gets Glory, You will be the first one in your family to fly in a plane, you will be the first one to buy a car and not on Loan in Jesus name, I know people in your family marriages dont work but yours shall be the first, you will die at a ripe old age still married to your first wife in Jesus name, you shall breakthrough in Business, I know all your other brothers are watchmen but you shall be watched by men in Jesus name, i know from your mum all the ladies start as house girls, You shall start as the girl of the house in Jesus name. I REFUSE TO BE BOUND BY PROTOCOL I AM RISING ABOVE THE REST IN JESUS NAME BY GRACE. I WILL PICK IT FROM THERE RAFFIAN SAMUEL MOG
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 12:08:59 +0000

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