WORD FOR TODAY- DIVINE RELATIONSHIPS I am from talking to a man - TopicsExpress


WORD FOR TODAY- DIVINE RELATIONSHIPS I am from talking to a man of God and a great friend and he spoke something to me that that has left me thinking. He said to me that every time God gets ready to take you to a new season in life he introduces you Divinely to certain people. Divine Relationships are an indicator of a new season in life. Everybody needs somebody in life but somebody doesnt need everybody, and when its time for new season God begins to connect you to certain people that act as an indicator of where God is taking you. I have come to discover that God is king over the heavens and king of kings for that matter and he has given us the rulership and power over the earth and so whenever he wants to do something on the face of the earth he needs people that is why he loves them more than anything else. when God wanted to Deliver the Israelite from captivity he used a man called Moses, When he wanted to destroy an enemy of the Israelite by the name Goliath he used a man called David, When he wanted to fight the Philistines he used a man called Samson, When he wanted to save people from the floods he used a man called, all this indicates that when he needs to do something major in your life he will connect you to certain people as an indication of the new season he is about to push you into. Divine relationships are planned by God himself, he sets up the meeting and when you meet this people you just connect in a Godly way and you dont strain to love them and be with them. Few months ago God gave me a divine relationship with a man of God that i love and greatly honor, I did not know him and he did not know me. I was invited in a meeting to go and sing and he had been invited to come and preach, i was late and i was rushing somewhere so i came in went direct to the alter i ministered left everyone deep in the spirit and in prayer, by the time he opened his eyes i was gone, funny enough what i said before i started ministering with the song made God change the sermon of the day and he spoke on what i had started. He invited me in his church all the time i could not make it to cut the long story short, the man was to be my Jonathan he introduced me to my Bishop who i only dreamt of one day to meet, he has given me opportunities to meet great people and i have become great and now walking in a new dimension of my ministry, He flows in an anointing of divine speed and all over sudden my ministry is at a very high gear Pastor Daniel Murage i honor God for you. David could not be king until he met his divine relationship with Jonathan, Jesus met John the baptist, Joseph met the guy in the prison,Paul met Barnabas etc. We are living in a time when people dont value relationships but i have learnt today that people are not door mats to be used, they are gifts from God and they are always an indicator of new seasons. AS I WIND UP I AM BLESSED TO HAVE SO MANY PEOPLE IN MY LIFE THAT IN GODS DIVINE WAY HAS BROUGHT THEM TO ME, I WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT YOU ARE VALUED AND HONORED AND I THANK GOD EVERYDAY FOR YOU. JOIN US NEXT WEEK ON 28TH FOR A NIGHT WITH THE KING AT EMBASSY CINEMA FROM 9PMTILL DAWN. cheers RAFFIAN SAMUEL.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 12:41:46 +0000

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