WORD FOR TODAY-BACK TO THE FIRST LOVE SERIES 3 Some times in the past not long ago i was going through some financial constrain in the ministry and in my life as well. I really wanted to have a good break as I had been faithful in serving and obeying God and so I could not clearly understand why I was going through the hardships. It was barely hard to get food to eat, hard sleeping in my cousin’s house at the sitting room on the floor and waking up early to wash his clothes and those of his wife. It was hard for me waking up at 3:30am everyday not to pray but to go and be a conductor with a certain matatu to earn bus fare to school and weekend’s missions. I almost gave up when my mum was in an accident and my elder brother had been arrested and was suffering in the maximum industrial area remand and I had to raise his cash bail of 100,000ksh. I wanted to die more than I wanted to live, I had no confidence in the word I preached as the same things I told people God would do for them he had not yet done for me, I told them God would provide for them while I still walked in lack, I told them God will clothe them with beauty while I had one black trouser and another that was my high school uniform, I told them God would give them peace and comfort them while in my pocket one day I had poison I wanted to commit suicide. One day I read a scripture that turned my life around, MARK 16: 1-4When the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices so that they might go to anoint Jesus body. Very early on the first day of the week, just after sunrise, they were on their way to the tomb; AND THEY ASKED EACH OTHER, WHO WILL ROLL THE STONE AWAY FROM THE ENTRANCE OF THE TOMB? BUT WHEN THEY LOOKED UP, THEY SAW THAT THE STONE, WHICH WAS VERY LARGE, HAD BEEN ROLLED AWAY. I was in the same state like the three ladies I wanted to serve God but there was a big stone that seemed beyond my power to role. I know there are many people here today that have stones big stones for that matter and they are running out of hope because they wonder who will ever role the stone for them, stones of poverty, divorce, heartbreaks, Cancer, Diabetes, Joblessness, fear etc. Now this is what encouraged me “BUT WHEN THEY LOOKED UP”. What again moves me is when they looked up to God not their pastor. The ladies had a passion to do something but as long as their eyes were facing down and around there was a stone that stopped them, but the bible says WHEN THEY LOOKED UP, they realized actually the stone had been moved, i want you to know today as long as your eyes are focused on what is not or may not work you will have trouble you will lose hope but when you look up you begin to realize actually God has already done it for you. The children of Israel in the Desert were bitten by snakes and God told Moses to make another snake and lift it high in the desert such that whenever one was bitten could LOOK UP to it and be healed and could not die. WE OUGHT TO GO BACK TO THE PLACE WHERE WE LOOKED UP TO GOD AS UR ONLY SOURCE OF HELP,AS LONG AS OUR PASTORS AND BISHOPS ARE OUR SOURCES OF HELP WE WILL CONTINUE TO BE FRUSTRATED AS EVEN THEM NEED TO LOOK UP TO GOD FOR GRACE.THIS DAY I CAME TO ENCOUREAGE SOMEONE STOP LOOKING AROUND ON BOSSES AND MEN TO HELP YOU, LOOK UP TO GOD, TRUST IN HIM HE NEVER FAILS. I WAITED UPON HIM PATIENTLY AND HE DELIVERED ME AND TODAY I HAVE THE CONFIDENCE TO SAY THAT WHEN YOU LOOK UP TO HIM HE WILL DO GREAT THINGS FOR YOU. THE BIBLE SAYAS “CURSED IS THE MAN WHOS TRUST IS IN MEN JEREMIAH 17:5. MANY TRUST IN CHARLIOTS AND HORSES PSALMS 20:7. THOSE WAIT UPON THE LORD SHALL NOT BE PUT TO SHAME.I WILL LIFT UP MY EYES WHERE DOES MY HELP COME FROM, MY HELP COMES FROM THE LORD RAFFIAN SAMUEL
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 10:50:55 +0000

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