WORD FOR TODAY: BREAKING THE PROTOCOL part 3 Greatness is for - TopicsExpress


WORD FOR TODAY: BREAKING THE PROTOCOL part 3 Greatness is for people that dare to rise above their limitations, people who get restless or tired of being tied down by some man made protocols and systems, Greatness is for people that are tenacious enough to break the order of their family and generations, They say this is the lost generation, perverted generation of immorality and dishonor but i beg to differ, there is a Remanence that has refused to be like the rest a people that are daring to stand and say no even when the greater mass says yes. Destiny is for people that are willing to be different, people who are saying i will not be killed by what killed my father, Cancer its Okay you have taken the better part of my family but this thing ends with me, I know diabetes is a disease in your family but someone got to rise up and break the order in Jesus name. This is a week of breaking protocol and i want to declare under the anointing of the Holy spirit that by the time we wind up this series you will be loose from all entanglements and ungodly protocol. 3. Another man that broke protocol was Moses; This man had alot of limitations and disabilities, he was not fluent in speech, he had murdered someone, he was a fugitive, remember the order or the law stated that if someone was to serve God he had to be complete without any disability and his hands were to be clean of blood, he had fear and doubt, he struggled with esteem and self identity. I checked the protocols and realized that stammerers dont make good spokesmen. When this man met with God at the burning bush, the order was broken he did not become a spokesman of a president of a county rep or a king but of God. Listen to me ladies and gentlemen you may be struggling with a weakness or some past mistakes that have rendered you irrelevant and people have written you off that God cant use you, i have some good news for you, Moses had a murder charge against him in Egypt he was not perfect but God took him as he was and used him, You could have gotten a baby out of wedlock and that has been used against you or even you aborted, gentleman you could have murdered someone or even raped someone, this has been used against you i want to let you know we serve a gracious God and this morning God is speaking to me that the protocol is being broken in Jesus name, The bible says he chose the foolish things of men to shame the wise, God is picking you up from where you are and lifting you to the top in Jesus name. I came to speak to people that feel inadequate, you have a weakness, you are disabled in some way, you are barren, you are not eloquent in speech, you have HIV, God is not ruling you out, he is telling me to say this to you that you are now covered with the righteous garment of the blood of Jesus and he no longer sees you but the blood that covers you, he is speaking to me right now saying that the righteousness of Jesus is greater than the sin or weakness of Adam and so by this fact you are justified in Jesus name. It does not matter how many men you have slept with or how many homes you have broken God is saying the protocol is broken and now you are the righteousness of God. Rise up child of God you have been down for too long, God is refreshing your dreams, he restoring the years that you lost, he is perfecting your faith and getting ready to use you in Jesus name, those in academic fields get ready to build schools that God shall be preached to the coming generation, those in Business get ready for major breakthroughs and deals so that you can support the work of God, the barren get ready to nurse your own babies in Jesus name, The jobless get ready to sign your contracts so that you can be faithful in tithing and supporting the work of God and the singles get ready for your weddings in Jesus name begin to chose your gown and your weddings theme color because this day the spell is broken and the Lord is moving to fulfill his word in Jesus name THE PROTOCOL IS BROKEN AND GOD IS ABOUT TO BLESS YOU EVEN THOUGH YOU HAVE BEEN RULED OUT IN JESUS NAME. SOMEBODY SAY I RECEIVE THIS........................... RAFFIAN SAMUEL MOG.
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 08:30:16 +0000

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