WORD FOR TODAY-HE IS MY FATHER THE BOOK SUMMARY-3 I started on doing a summary of my book and we talked about the first and the second chapters. Today i wish to share on the third chapter on worship- HALLOWED BE THY NAME Moving on to the next phrase “our father who is in heaven HALLOWED BE THY NAME”. I decided to check the dictionary meaning of the word HALLOWED and I found that it means sanctified, holy, blessed, sacred, honored, dedicated, revered, consecrated, sacrosanct, inviolable, beautified. And I begun to understand the primary expectation of God from us is our WORSHIP. God expects his children to live a lifestyle of worship. He wants us to worship him that is the only thing he can’t do to himself and when we give him WORSHIP he gives us his WILL and you know there is no one who can give himself a will though that will be our next topic about the will of God. So what i understand from this is that the children of God are known by their worship in other words those that you will find worshiping Jehovah you don’t need to ask they are the children of God. The bible says Psalm 8:2 Out of the mouth of babes and suckling’s you have ordained praise; this is to mean when you subscribe to his fatherhood he ordains praise and worship and that becomes your identity document as a child of God. This leads me to say there are no children of God that don’t worship him to mean your legitimacy as a child of God is determined by your worship. It is impossible to be a child of God and not worship him because the bible says they that worship him in truth and in spirit are the people that the Lord is seeking after and the bible also says that he came to seek and save the lost so that is to mean if you are not a worshiper God considers you lost WHEN YOU WORSHIP 1. THE PRESENCE OF GOD COMES DOWN- the bible says that he dwells in the praises and the worship of his people psalms 22:3 2. WORSHIP BRINGS DELIVERANCE- Whenever the evil spirit came upon Saul, David would take his harp and play. Then relief would come to Saul; he would feel better, and the evil spirit would go 1sam 16:23 3. BATTLES ARE WON FOR US BY GOD-2ND CHRONICLES 20:18-22 18 Jehoshaphat bowed low to the ground and everyone worshiped the Lord. ... 22 As soon as they began singing, the Lord confused the enemy camp ... Then they turned against each other and fought until the entire camp was wiped out! In other words our WORSHIP becomes our WAR-SHIP, God knows the fact that he is your father you will constantly face opposition from the kingdom of Darkness and that is why the bible says from the time of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of God suffereth violence and the violent shall take it by force but now God gave us some force that never loses any battle that is the power of worship. TOOLS OF WORSHIP: People confuse worship with a slow song, some say its a mood etc all these are tools of worship and it only happens in an atmosphere of truth and spirit. 1. MUSIC- 2 CHRONICLES 20:21- they worshiped the lord in singing and he fought for them 2. LIFTING OF HANDS- as longs as the hands of Moses remained up they continued to win EXODUS 17:11 3. TEARS- and Jesus wept John 11:35, God heard the cry of the Israelites and he delivered them Exodus 3:9 4. OFFERINGS- And they came in and saw the son with his mother and they bowed down to worship him and then they opened their gifts of gold and silver and myrrh and they worshiped him with them. I WISH TO STOP AT THIS POINT BUT BE SURE TO JOIN US ON 29TH FOR A NIGHT WITH THE KING AND FROM 2ND TO 7TH FOR NO DOUBT CONVENTION 5 RAFFIAN SAMUEL.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 08:02:44 +0000

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