WORD FOR TODAY: THE WEAPON OF ACCUSATION 4 I started sharing on - TopicsExpress


WORD FOR TODAY: THE WEAPON OF ACCUSATION 4 I started sharing on a powerful topic on the power of accusations and i am honored by the massive response by people who are receiving therapy from accusations they have been going through and others being delivered and repenting having been used by the enemy to accuse other people. I have been sharing on some few things we need to know about accusations because at one point in life the devil will accuse us or use us to accuse other people. I have been sharing some wisdom i have gathered after reading a book by Dag Heward Mills called THOSE WHO ACCUSE YOU as i share my own experiences with accusations as a young minister. I wish to pick from where i left last week. 5.ACCUSERS THRIVE ON NON-BIBLICAL QUOTATIONS,PROVERBS AND SAYINGS NOT THE WORD OF GOD. I have had the privilege by grace to raise many sons and daughters over time and most of them are young people some who are still under the authority of their parents. On several occasions i have received Phone calls from people who claim to have studied cultism and accused our ministry to be one. They site some characteristics of NPN to be cultic eg allowing ladies to go for missions with trousers, allowing them to apply polish on their nails and make ups, allowing gentlemen to wear capes in missions some even talk about me preaching in jeans. i have severally asked them to tell me where the bible says a man shall only preach in a suit and they quickly start giving quotes that are not in the word of God. There are even women who are accusers and they excuse it by saying its a thing with women to gossip because its is said a woman must speak i dont know 10,000 words in a day, some say that is how men think,women are made differently excuse me if its not biblical its not an excuse to be used by the devil as an accuser. 6. THOSE AROUND YOU WILL BE ACCUSED AS WELL Accusations are quickly generalized to include anyone that associates with you. I have some very loyal sons and daughters in NPN most of them are accused of the same things i am accused of. If you associate with me you must be ready to be accused with me i always tell my team, there is no way you can be the Mr. Clean in a team unless you are one with the accuser. We are not greater than Jesus and since he was accused, we are as well accused. If you find yourself being co-accused with your leader then that is a sign you are closer to him of her. Peter was accused of being one of the guys that said they will destroy the temple with Jesus and build it in three days Luke 22:58 When Peter was accused once by a small girl he wilted away, sometimes if you are not ready to be accused with the father you cant last even a night, its until you are accused with him that you get to know what he goes through. I am a firm believer in if you see a man of God continue to minister in the midst of all the storms and accusations you need to respect him/her big time. The reason i am royal to my spiritual Dad Bishop Allan Kiuna is because no matter the mud thrown at him he has never relented or diluted the word or changed a bit, i admire him to bits and i have found myself being accused of the same things he is accused of whenever i say i am royal to him. But that does not bother me i am committed and sold out to honor love and treasure him dearly for being the voice that God has used to speak over my life into greatness. I have gotten to a place where nothing can be said or no accusation can be made against him to change my commitment. I PRAY FOR YOU TODAY THAT NO MATTER THE STORM OF THE ACCUSER YOU WILL THRIVE AND RISE EVEN HIGHER TO THE GLORY OF THE NAME OF JESUS. RAFFIAN SAMUEL MOG
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 06:19:09 +0000

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