WORDS OF AFRICAN ORIGINS THAT CAME FROM THE ORIGINAL WORD, N-G-R (PROUNOUNCED EN-JER) N-g-r (Egyptian;pronounced en-jer) = God N-t-y-r (Egypt; pronounced net-ger) = God, Devine Negash (Ethiopia; ne-gash) = King Negus (Ethiopia; ne-goos) = Emperor, King Nkosi (Xhosa; en-kosi) = God Ndaba (Zulu; en-daba) = Counsil/Officials, Naga (East Indian, Nubian) = People Nugarmarta (West African) = People NEGUS is “King” a term originated from Abyssinia. A king- used as a title of the sovereign of Ethiopia. This term is originated by its native Ethiopian Amharic language. Since the creation of the title NEGUS has been used to identify but defined differently to physiologically change the minds of captive Africans to re think of themselves as someone less than whom they were. Many western names like Negus originate from religious texts like the Bible, the Bhagavadgītā, the Quran, and so on. Often these names relate to a religious expression such as “Worthy of praise”. NEGUS NEGASTE (King of Kings) Prayer A prayer of the Negus Negaste (King of Kings): “May the Lord of Heaven make strong my kingdom! And as he has this day conquered for me my enemy may he conquer for me wheresoever I go … (I will rule) the people with righteousness and justice, and will not oppress them.” “Nigger” “Nigga” a term formed AFTER slavery for the African American by the New World European colonialists The title Nigger or Nigga was given to the enslaved through the African Diaspora mainly to Kings and Queens… and the tribes associated with royal ownership and prestige. Nigger is now discretely said and used in reference to describe any and all persons of African decent, regardless of social status, income or religion. It is also used to define an act of ignorance. As time manifest from the ancient origin the word NEGUS, it has been re worded and translated by Europeans in a derogatory and inappropriate use against Africans chosen through the Diaspora of the slave trade. The words Nigger, Nigga and Niggas, hence Negus has been used in western cultures of the English language persuasion as a weapon to inflict psychological damage upon Africans, and people of direct African descent. This unfair disdain for darker skinned people, which was only promoted by a small cabal of lighter skinned humans and then unfortunately adopted by many other human beings has to be corrected for the entire human species to evolve. In too many civilizations on planet earth the color of a person’s skin determines the social caste that person is allowed to enter or the caste they are forced into. In these cases the darker you are in skin color the worst you are treated on planet earth, this is certainly a reversal because history proves more of the opposite; at the very least there was a time in many societies where the original people of the planet were respected and revered for their great contributions to human life and not merely their skin color. The words Negus, Nago and Naga etc, have been used historically by dark skinned people to show respect for black men who have achieved a very high level of respect and honor amongst their people. If a people have been using a word for thousands of years and it is later reintroduced to them after a cultural genocide has been enacted against them, at some point their ancestral momentum is going to partake in the use of that word. This is the reason why it is unreasonable to expect people of African Descent in America and some other countries to stop using the word Nigga. It is more reasonable to spread the knowledge that proves the word NEGUS is not a negative word, and that it is not enough to state that is ok to use the word because you mean no harm when using it. It is critical that all people on planet earth know that the word Negus and or several other sounding words had been original used to designate royalty, strength, courage, power, and wisdom. To be called a Negus is to be called a King, a wise and powerful leader. Furthermore the sound itself activates kundalini which dwells at the base of our spine along with the root chakras. Negus, Inca, Enka, Enki, Anki, Nago, Naga, Naka, Akan, Kan, Genghis, Ganges, Ankh, Kun, Kunta, Ken, Kenti and the list goes on. The N Word: NEGUS Visit facebook/strictlyformynegus & press Like for more.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 17:17:35 +0000

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