WORDS OF ENCOURAGEMENT FOR SINGLE MOTHERS I’m speaking to ALL the single mothers out there. To the strong, determined, focused women out there who have a child, or children, and you raise them on your own the best way that you can, just know that you’ll be blessed for your endless pain, struggle, and efforts. To all the women who cannot afford college because you... have to pay for a babysitter in order to work just to make ends meet, don’t ever give up. I pass these words of encouragement onto ANY woman who has a child or children, or who is expecting. I see a lot of beautiful young ladies out here who have no choice but to quit their jobs, drop out of high school, turn to prostitution, just to be there for those kids. My mother left me when I was younger, leaving my grandmother to raise me, and my father was in jail for most of my life. But I learned through life that no matter what someone does to you, you cannot do the same thing to your child. You have to continue to push yourself into being that child’s mother, AND his or her father. A woman should be married before having kids, but we all know that’s easier said than done. So if your single, and you have a child, then make sure the man who you bring into your life from now on is an example of what you would want your son to be when he grows up. Dont get with a man just because he can take care of you financially, or because he got a big dick, or he’s a baller, because it’s no longer about just you, your child needs a father figure. A positive example of a MAN. Period. And your child comes first. Period. You come second. To all the ladies who have children but still wanna bop around, mess with dudes, and go out and run the streets, it’s time to snap out that bullsh*t. Think about how you would feel if your mommy left you over somebody else’s house and you don’t see her until the next day. It’s cool to get out and enjoy yourself every now and then, but if you spend more time going out “looking cute”, getting “thowed” in the club, or smoking weed then spending time with your kids, you’re not being an example for that child. All those club hopping days are long gone sista. Its time to grow up. Now. You must stay away from the things that keeps us off track. We’ve all experienced growing up without something. But nothing is worse than having a mother who isn’t in our lives, so treat your child like you would want to be treated if you were still a child. That means putting your child before anything, including men, kicking it, and going out. If you feel bitter about men because of the child’s father, just know that there are a lot of good men out here who would love to be a role model for your children. Good men are out here. Never hold grudges towards the next man you meet, because he could be the one to lead your son or daughter into the right direction. And know that you are still the same beautiful young woman who you were before you brought that gift into this world. God puts us all through pain in order to handle the happiness and blessings that’s bound to come. So do not get discouraged ladies, keep striving to better yourself, and never feel unwanted, or unattractive, because a mother is the epitome of beauty. Thank you for reading. Feel free to comment, retweet, and share.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 16:28:47 +0000

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