WORDS OF REVELATION GIVEN TO GWENDOLEN RIX AS OF MARCH 11, 2014 My Dear Daughter, This is a very unique message compared to the ones you are accustomed to receiving from me, but this one is so very dear to my heart. This message is a challenge to each and every one of my children who call themselves sons and daughters of the most high God. I have a challenge for each of you this day. I want to take each of you out of your comfort zones. Will you do this for me? It is almost time to be going home. How could I take my children home without those of the able-bodied bride not going to intercede for the not-so-able bodied? This is my plea to each and every one of you. Please go and visit the elderly. There are nursing homes you can visit. There are shut-ins. There are elderly patrons that attend the churches. Are they being told the truth? Do they know that the Messiah is ready to come and rapture his Bride? Have you professed this to anyone lately? I am counting on you, my children. I am counting on you this day. I will pass on a few pointers from your Creator on how to make a brief visit to the elderly. It is not as difficult as you may think. First you must get permission to come and visit them. Get approval if they are in a facility. You may need a background screen. Do not delay! Depending on the venue that you are participating in, these are some God-inspired pointers for you to be blessed as you share ME with them. Greet them in the name of Jesus Christ. Share one of two Bible verses that are your favorites. Be brief in your testimony. Don’t spend more than five full minutes. The elderly have fatigue and a limited attention span from their aging. And finally children, could you sing a soft song about me? Just an easy song that comes to mind? As you sing, look up to the heavenlies and draw their attention to your love for me. This simple method will be very effective with many elderly and you will reap the greatest treasures as you first begin to see them smile. There is no limit that I won’t go to in order for these least of these to come into the fold. Please be my agents of mercy this day. Go out and speak to the elderly, children. Tell them the Bridegroom is ready to rapture His Bride! I love all of my children so tenderly. This task will score big brownie points with your King. Love, Jesus SOURCE OF INFORMATION FROM EDITH PORTER
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 11:25:51 +0000

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