WORDS OF TRUTH FOR A SPEEDY ACCOMPLISHMENT OF THE SUPPLICATION FOR A SWIFT RETURN OF THE GREAT GESHE LHUNDUB SOPA by His Holiness the Dalai Lama Supreme Buddha who sees and shows, just as it is, dependent arising, the complete subsidence of mental constructs of dual subjects and objects; most accomplished one, please bestow good fortune here. Victorious Losang, Tibets charioteer, with your lineage you spread the life force of teachings maintained in the Seventeen Pandits tradition; please bestow your blessings and fulfill our request. Embodied four kayas, effortlessly ensured both our own wellbeing and the wellbeing of others; armed with patience, you spread the teachings of Buddha; incomparable guru, to you we request. When the teachings of Buddha degenerated to just mere words of explanation and practice, you upheld the Dharma scriptures and attainments; the holder of true meaning, please quickly return. By study and reflection you crossed the ocean of sutra and tantra with points hard to fathom; with correct view, samadhi, and perfect ethics, noble virtuous teacher, please quickly return. By unfailing power of dependent arising, and particularly by the activities of the two protectors Hayagriva and Chamsing, may this heartfelt request be quickly accomplished. The great Geshe Lhundub Sopa having recently passed away, his disciples including the incomparable Jangtse Chöje Lobsang Tenzin; Geshe Tenzin Dorjee, Lhundup Sherab, Lhundup Chöwng, other monks and the students of Deer Park Buddhist Center; the monks of Sera Je Tsangpa Khangtsen and Shang Ganden Chökhor Monastery in Tibet and Nepal; Tulku Lobsang Gedun Tenzin; Khentrul Lhundub Chöden; Frank Tsou, Helen Du and members of their family, requested that I compose a prayer for his swift return. Aside from that, because of our own deep connection as guru and disciple, I intended to write a prayer for his swift return. Geshe Lhundub Sopa is one of the members of the lineage of scholars coming from the 94th Ganden Tripa Lhundub Tsöndrü, who was highly regarded by my predecessor, the 13th Dalai Lama. I have very clear memories of the debate with Geshe Lhundub Sopa on the topic of Buddha Nature during the noon session of the Madhyamaka and Prajnaparamita sections of my Geshe examination at the Great Prayer Festival in Lhasa. After coming to India, he did not fail to do everything I asked of him. Composed by the Buddhist monk, the Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso, Tibetan Royal Year 2041; the 13th day of the 8th month of the 17th Rabjung Cycle Wood Horse year; October 6, 2014 by the Western calendar. Translated by Sharpa Tulku and Rodney Stevenson with great devotion and fervent prayers for Geshe Lhundub Sopa to quickly return.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 16:00:15 +0000

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