WORK HARDER = YOUR DREAM LIFE? - NOPE... HERE IS WHY... So many - TopicsExpress


WORK HARDER = YOUR DREAM LIFE? - NOPE... HERE IS WHY... So many people think that all you need to do to get TRUE LIFESTYLE FREEDOM is work hard and all your dreams will come to you. THAT COULDNT BE MORE WRONG... In fact, you can work hard all day long and become more broke than you have ever been before. WHERE TRUE LIFESTYLE FREEDOM COMES FROM is upgrading your human software. Human terms? = Upgrade your wisdom. (Your mind)... literally upgrading your brain, and your communication skills... Because I dont care how hard you work, if you are doing the work wrong, you are just wasting your time. What if you were to build a house with no blueprint and just started stacking some wood in random places? Do you think those random wood pieces would magically become a beautiful and sturdy home? Heck no that wouldnt turn out good at all! You might work hard doing it, but if its not done in the proper order, that house will never get complete and will collapse and fall on itself! This is the same thing that will happen when you try to become an entrepreneur, and dont follow a step by step guide... IF YOU DONT FOLLOW IT, you are wasting your freaking time! I dont care how hard you work, if you arent producing results, then you arent following the guide... PERIOD... Thats why I always tell our affiliates that if someone on your team was to ever complain they arent having results say, did you watch every second, of every minute, of that Viral 5 quick start guide thats already proven? Guess what happens? That complainer shuts up, they go to work, and produces results. Or they shut up and leave, either way... You have to be coachable and teachable if you want to produce results! Permission to be real? K? Read on... If whatever you are following is proven, at least 10 other people are having results, and you arent having results... STOP blaming the guide or company and start blaming yourself for not following directions. Here is the thing... The REAL secret sauce... People always ask me whats the quickest way to start making a lot of money... Before you read on... Sit back and think... What do you think I would say...??? . . . DONT SKIP BELOW... . . . . . . Think about it... . . . . . . . Ok here is what I say... My first response is, STOP THINKING about how you are going to make a bunch of money quick if you actually want to make quick money. Weird right? Here is why... Just thinking about wanting more money isnt going to do a darn thing for you. If you want the real secret, your first thoughts should be, how quickly can I upgrade my leadership potential? How quickly can I upgrade my skills? Thats ALL you should think about. I know, I know, many of you may think... Oh but Vince, that is just something people try an convince other people to believe that works. Trust me I was there, I refused to believe that leadership skills and wisdom was going to do anything for my money making potential. BUT I COULDNT HAVE BEEN MORE WRONG. You really want money? You really want lots of money? THEN YOU BETTER CHANGE THAT MINDSET AND BECOME OBSESSED WITH LEARNING AND IMPROVING. When you upgrade your leadership and you upgrade your skills, you immediately plant yourself on fertile money making grounds. You are now in the best most nutrient rich soil, that money making can provide! Now you can create that lifestyle I know every single one of you are after. Because only after you upgrade your leadership and skills, can you go put them into the Money Making action mode... SO THE REAL SECRET, DID YOU GET IT? Work on YOU first, and stop worrying about the money. Tell your spouse to get off your back and let you work on YOU. Unfortunately I hear that spouse thing all the time, but if they truly love you, they will stand by your side. Just share your heart with them, and if they dont believe in you, just press on... REMEMBER... Its your life and you only have one to live. Dont let your spouse dictate your future if you have big dreams inside of you. Some people are wired job only from childhood... And the only way they will believe you is when you produce results And thats fine... Thats why you join communities that support you when your closest people dont believe in you. Lean on the community, they will get you through anything. I PROMISE... If you do this wisdom and leadership thing in the correct order you will get all the money you have ever wanted in your life. And if you have a negative spouse, they will eat their words and thank you later for changing their life. Work smarter, Not harder, is a kind of ok saying... But honestly if you want to get money fast, you need to work harder, AND work smarter at the same time. Because I dont care how smart you get, you are still going to have to work hard at whatever you do if you truly want that fairytale and fantasy lifestyle, that only 2% on the planet get to experience. BUT ITS FREAKING WORTH IT! Id rather work my tail off all day until I die to experience the good life vs not working my tail off at all having to stress about bills the rest of my life. Stress kills you, working hard just makes you stronger. Much Love, Vincent Ortega Jr. PS: I find it hilarious when physically hard working people try and put us online entrepreneurs down and say, you just sit behind a computer all day. I say, Well if its so easy... then why dont you do it? They say, Id like to see you do my job for a day. I say, no thanks, I would rather work on my dream and not a bosses. They say, well I know my income. I say, well I dont want my income limited by another person. They say, go do your pyramid scheme then. I say, have you ever thought about how big yours is? Because at least with my pyramid I have the ability to rise to the top. Isnt it with yours, you have to suck up to a boss, and hope politics get you to the top? No thanks... They say, ...... (its silent...) Ok back to the point... The thing is... I want you all to understand that physically working hard is simply slave labor. Real hard working people use their brain capacity, and want to create new ideas, make a change, make a difference in this world. Leaders DO NOT want to go slave away at a job for the rest of their lives. Thats why my entrepreneur friends and family are among the most amazing people on the planet. They dont want to just get by - they actually want to make a freakin difference on this planet. There are honorable jobs out here that we cant live without, and I appreciate every single one of you all who do them, so dont get it twisted. But I know that every single one of you all who are following me, want a different lifestyle, because you have entrepreneur tendencies, whether you want to believe it or not. You were attracted to read this for a reason... If you want to live the best life on this planet...? Trust me... Become an entrepreneur... There is nothing else that will ever fill your cup like changing peoples lives. Vincent Ortega Jr ..................................... It all starts with a decision :)
Posted on: Thu, 05 Dec 2013 06:43:46 +0000

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