WORK LIFE BALANCE: A MUST READ! A good balance will always be - TopicsExpress


WORK LIFE BALANCE: A MUST READ! A good balance will always be better than a terrible tilt! Better to uphold certainty than strive for probability. Truth is certain but facts would lie, give them time. if you endure your marriage and enjoy your career you are living an insecure life! Career and family is like a relay race. Family and Career is more like a coin than a dice! Imagine the fastest sprinter in the world say Ussain Bolt in a relay race and while he paced towards to tape he dropped the baton! What happens? 1. The baton is like the evidence of WIN or staff of office. even if you breast the tape first you are disqualified for the trophy. if the baton was irrelevant it wouldnt have been introduced. Exactly what it means having one without the other. (career and family)Gen 2:18 confirms that. 2. Every attempt to return to pick up the baton, the race would have ended and misery results. The man who ought to win lost because he dropped the baton. many times when you have attained all the career height and without a family or with an unhealthy marriage. the honor you have worked for is poisoned. you die alone inside. the sprinter keeps admiring the trophy with regrets as he hold the baton in his hands. you need the portrait of your family and your several awards on the walls of your home. it is an easier explanation of what you lived for and how you have thought. If you dont have this balance, dont teach teamwork in your office!No matter how fantastic your job is, if you have no home to return to, your performance will gradually deteriorate into nothingness. The Almighty in His infinite wisdom gave the man a job first (Gen 2:15) then examined his mental fertility (Gen 2:18-20) and gave him a wife (Gen 2:21-22). Dont be too big that you have become very SMALL. Excellence is a fruitful combination of work and life! why have a cherry job and a miserable marriage or a wonderful career and a wretched home? Think of your children, Are you a good model? Be wise! Read & Share. Comments and contributions would increase learning! Julius Afolabi is a Conference Speaker & Business Meeting Optimizer! follow on twitter: @juliusafolabi Email: juliusafolabi@gmail BB PIN: 796644BC For your business and Corporate tutelage, call: +2348032626555. Do have a resounding exploit filled week in Jesus Name!
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 08:53:17 +0000

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