WORK PERMITS RULES OF DIFFERENT COUNTRIES :- 1. Singapore: S Visa (Skilled category you need a job prior with $ 2200 pm salary) WP (Work Permit) Job with at least $ 1000 pm salary) 2. Malaysia: EP (Employment Pass) Appointment letter + Salary MYR 5000 = Rs. 1 lac INR pm. 3. Cyprus: EWP (Entry & Work Permit) Work Contract + Bond of Rs. 50,000/- 4. Austria : Niederlassungsbewilligung = PRP (Permanent Residence Permit) requires work permit (issued by the Austrian Employment Service (AMS), statement of salary or income, confirmation letter issued by employer + Proof of Diploma in German language is Mandatory. Option 1: Red-White-Red - Card which is issued to :- • Particularly high-skilled • Professionals in shortage occupations • Other (non-independent) key workers • Study graduates / graduates • Self-employed key workers Fees 120 Euros = Rs. 11,000/- Primarily given for 1 year. Can be switched to another category. Mandatory Requirement Proof of secured livelihood like payslips, wage certificates, work contracts etc. Option 2: Red-White-Red – Card - Plus which is issued as extension of Red-White-Card after 12 months. Option 3: “Blue Card EU” Right of Permanent Residence under extension of Red-White-Red Card Plus with 21 months skilled employment in last 24 months stay – issued primarily for 18 months. Three years University Degree + employer’s declaration is required. Fees 100 Euro = Rs. 9000/- 5. Belgium: There are three different types of work permit, Valid Employment Contract is mandatory for all. • Type A, which is valid for all salaried professions and all employers, for an unlimited period or 4 – 12 years; the application of the work should be done by A foreign worker himself. • Type B, which is only valid for one employer for a period of one year; the application for a work permit and a work permit B should be done by the employer that an employee of foreign nationality wants to employ is valid for one employer and runs for one year, after which it can be renewed (by the same employer, usually for the same job or job classification). If you change employers, your new employer must apply for a new B permit. You may find that you have to return to your home country and re-apply for a residence visa before you can start your new job! Once youve renewed a B permit four or more times, i.e. have lived and worked in Belgium for five years on the same permit, you can receive an unlimited A permit. Required salary 1.5 Lacs INR / per month. • Type C, which is valid for all salaried professions and all employers, for a limited period (must be renewed each year). This is usually issued to migrant agricultural or domestic workers. C permits generally arent renewable. Belgium is divided into three administrative areas: • The French speaking Waloon area in the south - whose capital is Namur • The Flemish area in the north - whose capital is Brussels • The central Brussels area. 6. Czech Republic : Work Permit : Original confirmation from the EAO (Employment Administration Office) that employer had applied for Work Permit is mandatory. VISA interview will be in Czech Language will have to bring Interpreter. Accommodation confirmation required. BLUE CARDS : The blue card is a permit for long-term residence for employment purposes in the Czech Republic under special circumstances. A foreigner who has a blue card is entitled to: • reside in the Czech Republic and • work in a job for which the blue card was issued, and change that job under the conditions specified. The blue card combines a residence permit and a work permit in one document. Employment Contract is mandatory. The blue card is issued to workers with higher professional or university education who have an employment contract for at least one year, for the statutory weekly work hours, and who have an agreed upon gross monthly or annual salary amounting to at least a 1.5 multiple of the gross annual salary in the Czech Republic announced in a Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs communication. The blue card is valid for the term of employment set in the employment contract plus 3 months, but to a maximum of 2 years. 7. Denmark : Denmark Green Card : Point Based System must get 100 points. Residence & Work Permit: Two way process, first employer in Denmark then employ will create Case Order Id and start VISA filing process. 8. Finland: Before you may apply for a residence permit for an employed person, you must have a job waiting. If an employer has made you a job offer, this employer must confirm that he or she will definitely employ you. This is usually done by signing an employment contract. Fees Rs. 40,000/- 9. France: European Union citizens can legally work in France. Foreigners outside of the EU must do the following, in this order: • Find a job • Obtain a work permit • Obtain a visa de long séjour • Go to France • Apply for a carte de séjour Theoretically, if you are hired by a French company, the company will do the paperwork for your work permit. In reality, its a Catch-22. France gives first priority for jobs to French citizens, then to EU citizens, and then to the rest of the world. Therefore, there are really only two ways to get a work permit: (a) Prove that you are more qualified than anyone in Europe, or (b) Get hired by an international company that has branches in France and get transferred over, because their sponsorship will allow them to obtain the permit for you. Note that they will still have to demonstrate that a French person could not do the job you are being imported to do. 10. Germany: Employment VISA, Employment contract is necessary of salary of Rs. 40 lacs INR per year. (EU Blue Card) After 33 months it will convert into PR. Jobseeker VISA- With that VISA one can visit Germany and stay there for max 6 months to find a job, once job is confirmed he can apply for employment VISA. VISA fees around 7,000/- Documents verification fees around Rs. 45,000/-. 11. Greece : No Work Permit given…Residence permit allows right to work. Job confirmation required. Specifically, people from Asia, Africa and parts of Central America are typically not issued work permits unless they are filling an executive or technology specialist position. 12. Hungary : To receive a work visa, the applicant has to submit the original work permit. The work permit can be obtained in Hungary from the Employment Agency of the county (or Budapest) where employment is to take place. Application shall be made by the Hungarian employer or the Hungarian party to the contract stipulating the performance of the work. Once issued, the work permit shall be sent to the foreigner to submit with the visa application. You will need to have a valid work permit, a labor agreement and proof of accommodations for your stay in Hungary. The work visa is primarily issued for one year which is extendable. 13. Italy : Not Prospective at all. 14. Netherlands: Only employers can file work permit application which can take upto 5 weeks to process. Upon issuance of work permit, residence permit will be issued which should be applied by candidate himself. Salary should be 3 – 3.5 Lacs INR per month. Dutch work permits are only granted if the employer can demonstrate that no suitable candidates are available from anywhere in the EU labor market. 15. Norway : Work Permit required Employment contract…will have to apply within 7 working days after receiving EC. Visa Fees : approx. Rs. 4000/-. Salary shouldn’t be less than 50 Lacs per annum (In Master’s Degree Jobs) & 40 Lacs per annum (in Bachelors degree jobs) in Skilled Workers category. Family can move…If you lose job you have six months time to search a new one with same VISA. 16. Poland : Work permit is issued for a specified period of time, not longer than 3 years and may be prolonged. Permits are issued for a specific employer, specific foreigner and in a specific place for a specific work position for a period defined by specific dates. Fees around Rs. 5000/- Processing Time : 1 month approx.. Documentation : Long and complicated. With 3 yaers Degree education and a min 12 months guarantee job with 1.5 times greater of average gross salary (i.e., INR 60,000 pm approx.), one can apply for EU Blue Card. This Blue Card is valid primarily for 2 years with an option for renewal. One can apply for PR after 5 years of work & stay there. 17. Portugal : Companies are meant to offer an open position to Portuguese citizens or EU/EEA nationals. Only if no one from that group is qualified, may the company extend an offer of employment to someone else. One of the requirements of obtaining a work permit may be proficiency in the official language. Business working hours may be slightly different to what you are used to. A typical working day in Portugal starts at nine am until one pm with a two hour break for lunch, and then resumes at three pm until seven pm. The maximum legal working week in Portugal is 40 hours. Annual leave entitlement is 22 working days. There are also 12 obligatory public holidays and two optional ones. Min wages is Rs. 50,000/- INR per month amongst that 11-15 % per month social security donation is mandatory. 18. Spain : Employment contract, stamped by foreigner’s office is mandatory. Employer’s guarantee of continuous employment is needed. Spanish Employment Institute to agree that this position cannot be filled by any other Spanish or EU citizen. If this isn’t the case your employer will have to be interviewed to make a claim for you to work for them. Fees around 6000Inr, decision within 2-3 months. 19. Sweden : Must have job contract…with a per month salary not less than 1.3 lacs INR. Visa Fee : 20,000/- INR. 20. Switzerland : Must have valid work before filing Work Permit…The priority is 1st Swiss Citizens, 2nd – EU citizens and lastly rest of the world. The employer has to satisfy why he could hire professional from 1st & 2nd priority and what he had done in searching of employer…this rule makes Switzerland not a good prospect of non EU nations. 21. UK : Tier 2 General for as a skilled worker - For the year from 6 April 2013 to 5 April 2014, a maximum of 20,700 skilled workers can come to the UK under Tier 2 (General) to do jobs with an annual salary below £152,100 = Rs. 16 lacs per annum. There is no limit on the number of workers coming to the UK to do jobs with an annual salary of £152,100 or above. PBS total points 70. Certificate of Sponsorship = 30, Appropriate Salary = 20, English Language & maintenance Funds = 10 points each. Visa Fees 52,000/- INR. 22. Canada : Between May 4, 2013, and April 30, 2014, we will consider no more than 5,000 complete FSW (Federal Skilled Workers) applications for processing. Within the 5,000 cap, we will consider no more than 300 applications per eligible occupation for processing within this same time frame. This does not apply if you have a valid offer of arranged employment, Maintenance Fund to Show 7 Lacs for individual, 10 Lacs INR for 3 (Husband, wife & Child) 23. US : Non-immigrant H-1B VISA, employers performance needed. Initially given for 3 years - Max duration 6 years may lead to Green Card, Spouse work not allowed, No wages set-level, Employer to apply petition first. Fees : Rs. 13,000/- approx.. 24. Mexico : The Mexican firm or company must apply for the foreign national work permit before the National Institute of Immigration (INM). 25. Myanmar : Currently does not have a work permit concept, and foreign nationals who may need to reside for long periods for employment reasons must obtain a stay permit and a multiple-journey special re-entry visa. There are two types of work permit: - The Stay Permit; and - The Multi Re-Entry Permit The Stay Permit allows the holder to work for either three months or one year without re-entry into Myanmar. Therefore, the Stay Permit is valid for a single trip to Myanmar. The Multi Re-Entry Permit allows the holder to work in Myanmar for one year with periods of international travel during its validity. It is important to note that holders of the Multi Re-Entry Permit must also have a valid Stay Permit. Both Stay Permits and Multi Re-Entry permits are renewable. Applicants for Stay Permits or Multi Re-Entry permits must be able to provide evidence that they are company directors, managers, or consultants. 26. Japan: Can apply either in Skilled Labour or in Highly Skilled Foreign Professional Visa category. But in both cases COE (Certificate of Eligibility) from Japan Ministry of Justice, Immigration Bureau mandatory. 27. Australia: Skilled Independent VISA (Subclass 189) your profession not in SOL (Skilled Occupation List) Skilled Nominated (Subclass 190) you are not nominated by any state or territory. Skilled Sponsored (Subclass 489) applies when any relative stays in Australia and wish to sponsor you. Temporary Work (Subclass 457) issued for 4 years – sponsored by a company – can bring family members. Visa fees around 65,000 INR. Can also apply for Employer Nomination Scheme (Subclass 186) or Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (subclass 187) visa - Direct Entry stream 28. Thailand : First apply for non-immigrant VISA, enter Thailand, stay for 90 days max, (Visa Fees Rs. 3600/-) search and secure job, apply for work permit with employer’s office related documents. 29. Indonesia : The IMTA - Ijin Mempekerjakan Tenaga Kerja Asing - This Work Permit is the authorization given to a company to employ a foreigner. If you are not holding an IMTA, you are not working legally in Indonesia. If a company wants to employ foreigners, the company must submit an Expatriate Placement Plan, RPTKA - Rencana Penempatan Tenaga Kerja Asing- to the Manpower Department if the employing company is a domestic company; or to the BKPM (Investment Coordinating Board if the company is a foreign investment company. Based on the approval of the RPTKA (Expatriate Placement Plan TA-01 is issued, and then a work permit, Izin Kerja Tenaga Asing (IKTA is issued by the Manpower Ministry (Kementerian Tenaga Kerja or Kemenakertrans after your arrival and the issuance of the KITAS card and have paid your annual DPKK. 30. Hong Kong : “Employment for Professional Scheme” VISA Confirmed letter of employment required. Processing Time : 1 month. Visa Fee : Rs. 11,000/- approx.. Salary should not be less than 1.7 lacs INR per month. The company needs to prove that the position cannot be filled by a local and/or that the applicant has a skill in short supply in the city. The individual should contribute local economy. Processing time : 3 months approx.. One staying for 7 years, can apply for PR.fca 31. New Zealand: There are 2 categories : (1) SMC (Skilled Migrant Category; (Salary 35 lacs per annum) & (2) Working Temporarily in NZ. There are 3 lists viz., Long Term Skill Shortage List, Immediate Skilled Shortage List & Canterbury skills Shortage list. “Wine Maker” & “Microbiologist” both falls under Immediate Skills shortage list and you can apply for Temporary Work Visa for these jobs. Primary Point Calculator min requirement to apply for SMC is 100.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 05:45:46 +0000

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