WORKER OR LABOURER? Matthew 9:36-38- But when He saw the - TopicsExpress


WORKER OR LABOURER? Matthew 9:36-38- But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd. Then saith He unto His disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few: Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest. (KJV) The harvest that Jesus was talking about is the endtime harvest of saints (eph 1:10) when Jesus will come to take His beloved, His chosen. When Hell seperate the thorns from the wheat and the goats from sheep. HE IS THE LORD OF THE HARVEST. I wonder if youve ever seen a flock of sheep without a shepherd. You see them wandering aimlessly, eating dirts and debris, defiling themselves, and sometimes, end up as lunch for hungrily ravening wolves (i used dinner because this is the endtime). The same way we have christains in the church of God, still scattered and roaming about, going in and out of the world, as sheep without a shepherd even though they have shepherds. This, at times, is due to the incompetence, slothfulness and laziness of the so-called shepherds. Note: when i say shepherd, i do not refer to the pastors alone, but also workers in the vineyard. You see them living a double life of and hypocrite- a christain sister and a runs-girl, a christain brother and a yahoo boy. It is our duty as believers to work in the vineyard (not compulsorily as ushers, choristers alone, but as soul winners) to help in the endtime harvest. This is where im really going.... We have numerous workers in the church, yet the Lord says, but the labourers are few (KJV). In fact, i know of a church, where the workers are more than ordinary members of the church and yet, the labourers are few. So, are you a worker or a labourer? Let me give an example. A bank manager and a cement factory labourer. All the bank manager needs to do is to hold a pen and get his pay. He is likely to have several means of income by establishing a small investment which he gets from his pay. He doesnt need to sweat or stress himself. But a factory worker has no choice. The little he gets may not he enough for him, but still he has to work with all his might. He has no other means of livelihood other than the factory labour. Are you a worker or a labourer in the vineyard? Do you suffer for the cause of the gospel? Do you labour to preach the word in spite of hardship? Do you see the gospel as your only means of eternal livelihood or do you just handle the work of God with levity? No wonder Jesus said, the labourers are few. Master key: Lord Jesus, help me to become a true labourer in your vineyard and not just an ordinary worker. MORE GRACE
Posted on: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 08:59:20 +0000

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