WORKING DAD I awake to the sweet sound of the birds chattering - TopicsExpress


WORKING DAD I awake to the sweet sound of the birds chattering amongst themselves. The morning sun glinting through the windows is invigorating. Just for a moment I feel rejuvenated, full of vitality and ready to rumble. Then that sinking feeling of another day at the factory. The hours long and the pay poor. I have little time to spend with my children. I know that I will come to regret it. I have missed out on so much alrerady. Their first steps, their first words. Things are getting out of control. I am a stranger in my own home. Anyway no time to dally. I re-check the clock its 6.15 am. Another day another dollar. I quickly shower, and gulp down my coffee. I look in on my babies now sleeping, a look of contentment on their little faces. Unable to resist , I kiss them softly on the brow. For a moment time stands still, and I linger. Again my heart twists with remorse, this wasnt how I planned it. That sinking feeling hits me again, as I put my workboots on. Overwhelmed for a moment, but theres little time for sentiment its 6.45am. Returning home from the factory, tired and despondent. It has been a bad day, everyday at the factory is a bad day. I greet my wife with a gentle kiss. She is tired, I am concerned for her. The children are in bed. Theres a letter addressed to me, resting on the mantle. I assume it to be another bill. Hesitantly I open it, wishing it would go away. My eyes widen as I read. Its a job offer, working from home online. I pass the letter to my wife, she smiles, and looks once more like the girl I married. 6 months have passed, how my life has changed. I have to go now, the children are calling . I hear their happy feet running towards me, childish arms are flung around my neck. Once again I am overwhelmed. I smile and my heart swells with pride. I cherish my days, I count my blessings. I cant believe my good luck. (c) mandy rigby 19/03/2014
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 18:19:45 +0000

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