WORLD ABUNDANCE PROGRAMS - ST. GERMAINE SB: Very interesting. - TopicsExpress


WORLD ABUNDANCE PROGRAMS - ST. GERMAINE SB: Very interesting. Okay. Let’s leave all that behind now and turn to the abundance program. Can you… you’ve already talked to us, in November, about certain aspects of the abundance program, so I won’t be going over that material again. But could you please give us a synoptic description of the streams of wealth that will go into the abundance program? St. G.: Now, you are talking about planetary abundance, and you are talking about — and correct me, of course, if I am wrong, for I am always up for a lively discussion — but what you are talking about is various rivers of gold that are flowing quite rapidly all over your globe, all over the planet. And yes, we have spoken extensively in… last November about the various abundance programs, and particularly about the Trust. But let us review what we are discussing and where we are. And please, dear friend, feel free to interject. We are old friends, and I will not take offense at it. And if I meander, you may interrupt as well. SB: Okay. St. G.: I also love to tell a good story! Let me take you to the caves and the palaces of gold. I wish to repeat to all of you, as a starting point, there is no shortage of abundance on your planet or within the Mother’s universe. The lack of abundance, the lack that you say and know very… what you believe up close and personal, is completely an illusion. Does it feel, smell, taste as if it is real? Yes, of course it does. So I do not say this in any way that is judgmental or critical. But throughout the ages, through the interplanetary transfers, through the creation, shall we say, alchemically or even by simply setting aside — you have that expression in your society — great wealth has been accumulated. Now, when you are thinking about the prosperity programs, what you also tend to do is you tend to think of world revolution. And yes, there is an evolution and a revolution in terms of societal structures, and the sharing of wealth — and I mean this is a concrete manner, at this time. But what you don’t often look to, and what I have alluded to back in November is what about the wealth that is directly in front of you? What about the storehouses of gems, of gold, of money, of various things? So you will also look — and this is an aside — to those areas where there have been storehouses of which you are all aware of wealth that has simply been set aside for a privileged few. Now, you know, or perhaps some of you don’t, I love gems, crystals…. SB: I know that for sure. St. G.: And I particularly love diamonds. And I have been known in all my various lives and incarnations to share the amethysts and the diamonds freely. SB: Can I interrupt for a sec., St. Germaine? St. G.: Yes. SB: You left your guests at your dinner parties at the time of, I think it was Louis XVI, you left them diamonds on their place cards, did you not? St. G.: Yes, I did. It was a good joke! SB: [laugh] Absolutely! St. G.: And it was a gift. It wasn’t like my friend Louis really needed any of my baubles. But everybody enjoyed it, and everybody was in awe. And in that society, and at that time, there was way too much arrogance. And the sense of awe and the appreciation of beauty had become somewhat jaded. And so part of my teaching, my presence in being in these societies, was to reawaken that sense of the delightful, and how easy it is to share! So we are having this lesson all over again right now, are we not? SB: Yes, we are. St. G.: So, yes. Do not rule out having a diamond left on your plastic placemat. SB: [laugh] Any time! Well, there’s just one other point of interest I’d like to bring up before we turn in depth to the various prosperity programs. And that’s that I think the American authorities sunk a lot of wealth in ships, some as deep as the Mariana Trench and some in the Philippines. Can you tell our listeners how this wealth was recovered? What was the process? Did the galactics go down in their ships and draw this wealth out? Or how was it brought back to the surface? St. G.: It has not been a difficult process at all. Now, don’t forget, we work with energy. Your star brothers and sisters, what you think of as technology is a different use of energy. And let me be very clear. The Americans aren’t the only ones who have, hmm, shall we say, placed for safekeeping money, gold, treasures, underneath the waters. It has been a practice for hundreds and hundreds, in some cases thousands of years. And it is an open secret above and below. So it is rather humorous. Now, it is simply, there are many, many space stations that are located actually underneath what you think of as your oceans or large bodies of water. So it is not a matter only of your star brothers and sisters going to recover. But they are already there, and their ability to teleport to various locations is as simple as snapping your fingers. So it is simply not an issue. The issue is and always has been: Has greed been taken care of? Has that desire for control been taken care of? Is that attitude of lack and limitation in place so that “I’d better hoard” been taken care of? Because that is really what all this has been about. It has been about hoarding, and believing that, whether you are an individual, a king, a queen or a nation state, that somehow you will be in lack and need and that you will not be attended to. That is an absurd belief. Yes, I know it is one that has been deeply entrenched, but nevertheless let us call it what it is, and it is absurd. So, what you are saying is, has the gold, has the gold, has the various riches, have they been recovered? Some has, and some is in the process. But do not worry, dear heart. We know exactly where things are. SB: Hmm. Well, I won’t got into all the gold that’s stored in gymnasium-sized buildings and all that. I’m going to leave that. Prosperity Packages But I’m going to turn to two streams of wealth that will, I think — if I’m correct — be coming on-line soon. One is the prosperity packages, and one is the wealth that will result from the global currency re-set. Can we start with the prosperity packages, please, and can you give us an idea of what that is going to bring when it comes on line? St. G.: I want you to explain to your listeners what you are referring to by the prosperity packages. You will do a far more adequate job than I. SB: Well, I’m actually not very clear about them, but I know that some people have been contacted by others who are custodians of Prosperity Packages. And these custodians are wanting to get this money out. And the thinking I think is that whoever is gifted with it will then turn around and get it out further. And so this will be the first ripple of wealth. Now, the Prosperity Programs themselves go under names like Omega and I think Freedom, and they were started quite a ways back as subscription programs, I believe. That’s about all I know about them, St. Germaine. St. G.: Let us suggest to you that there are twelve Prosperity Programs that were started hundreds of years ago. And that the participation in them, which has always been free choice and freedom, has grown and been protected over the centuries. As you well know, I would include within this my own prosperity program and what you think of as the St. Germaine Trust. But it is one of several. Those who are participants in the Prosperity Programs have undertaken not just a casual agreement, but a very deep, sacred vow to share the wealth as it has come forward and when the time was nigh, was right. And that is beginning right now. Now, you know, if you have read my history, that I have been very involved in the Rosicrucians and the Freemasons. SB: Yes. St. G.: And it is this type of what you have thought of as secret organization with commitment to high spiritual principles that have been entrusted with this undertaking. And there have been certain individuals who have come specifically to Earth under the purview of different masters, particularly Sanat Kumara, as well to assist in not only the development of these programs but then the distribution. So this has not been a fly-by-night operation by any stretch of the imagination. Now, the crack — and I do mean crack — in the door, or shall we say the bank vault, is beginning to be opened. And we say “crack” for a very particular reason. The lessons of what we can call the fallen civilizations have made all of us… cautious. We remain observers, but that does not mean we distance ourselves from your need. But we also come and weigh your ability to discern, to manage, to handle, and to have ridded yourselves of these old false beliefs, what you have called vasanas, what Linda calls false grids — you know what we are speaking of. SB: Yes, I do. St. G.: We have opened up the bank vault a crack to allow the monies to start to flow, and many of you have become aware of this. Now, we are not speaking of miniscule amounts. We are talking about wealth that would make many nations’ GNP look small. So it is going to redress the balance of fairness, of equality, of that freedom that I care about all over the planet. But it is not going to happen so rapidly that it throws everybody into a tailspin and makes markets crash and prices soar and people become irrational. But the beginning — and it is true for all twelve of the programs — has already begun. And there are many of you out there who have already begun to receive funds. (continued here in) "St. Germaine: Rivers of Gold Will Flow Freely – Part 2/2" goldenageofgaia/2013/08/st-germaine-rivers-of-gold-will-flow-freely-part-22/
Posted on: Fri, 16 Aug 2013 16:07:04 +0000

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