WORLD CUP SOCCER 2022 NEEDS NEW HOME QATAR CAN NOT HOST WORLD CUP.IT WILL BE WORST WORLD CUP EVER.Support terrorists in this time imagine supporters will be in danger . Qatar blamed for collapse of Gaza ceasefire talks Unnamed source in Abbas camp says Qatar has no interest in seeing Egyptian-led talks succeed, it and Muslim Brotherhood working to undermine Egypt. Associated Press Published: 08.21.14, 10:40 / Israel News DUBAI, United Arab Emirates -- The explosions rocking the Gaza Strip may seem far removed from the flashy cars and skyscrapers of ultra-rich Qatar, but efforts to end fighting between Hamas and Israel could hinge on how the tiny Gulf Arab state wields its influence over a Palestinian militant group with few friends left. Qatar has been home to Hamas chief-in-exile Khaled Mashal since 2012, when he was ejected from Syria by former ally Bashar Assad, and has carved out a role as a key financial patron for Gaza, buying influence while shoring up an economy overseen by Hamas. That support is prompting accusations that Qatar helped scuttle a lasting truce in the month-long Gaza conflict, piling on pressure as the US ally finds itself increasingly isolated as larger Mideast powers marginalize Islamists following the Arab Spring. An official from Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas Fatah movement suggested Wednesday that Qatar torpedoed the peace talks. After signs of progress last week, Hamas negotiators returned to the table after consultations in Qatar with new conditions -- prompting a similar response by Israel, he said. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity as he was not authorized to discuss the negotiations publicly, said the experience indicated the Qataris have no interest in seeing Egyptian-led talks succeed, and that Qatar and the Muslim Brotherhood are working together to undermine Egypt. The London-based pan-Arabic newspaper Al-Hayat separately quoted a senior Fatah official saying Qatar threatened to expel Mashal if Hamas accepted an Egyptian peace proposal. It said Hamas demanded that Egypt grant Qatar a role in resolving the Gaza crisis, but Cairo rejected the idea until Qatar formally apologizes for its policies in Egypt since the military overthrow of Brotherhood-backed president Mohamed Morsi last summer.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 10:54:21 +0000

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