WORLD MENTAL HEALTH DAY: I’ve been trying to think of ways to - TopicsExpress


WORLD MENTAL HEALTH DAY: I’ve been trying to think of ways to word this, without sounding like an attention seeking twat. I’ve been trying to be there for every one elses problems, but neglecting to acknowledge my own. I’ve had days where I can’t even bring myself to leave the house, but too scared to speak up. I’ve been internalising my struggles, because from the outside, I am a “happy-go-lucky confident girl who has her shit together”. I’ve been trying SO hard to help relieve the stigmas associated around Mental Health, when in actual fact, I’ve been contributing to it. How can I encourage others to reach out, when I’m too embarrassed to reach out myself. It’s a dark state of affairs, when you feel like you’re not “entitled” to experience depression and anxiety because you mask it so well. It’s true. I too, like thousands of others around me, am battling from depression and anxiety. Even my closest friends don’t know Ive been battling, because I’ve been too embarrassed to say anything. I’ve lost opportunities, I’ve lost friendships, but worst of all, I’ve lost myself. After months of isolating myself, and fuelling my emotions to help me feel worse, I finally reached out. It was painstakingly the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do, but it was absolutely the best thing I ever did. Expecting to be ridiculed and told that I am “the last person on earth that could be depressed”, I was so incredibly amazed that it was the complete opposite. I was met with so much love and understanding, and an incredible amount of support, that has helped me take steps I need to be heading toward the right direction. It’s a long road, and a continuous effort to keep pulling myself out of those depressive holes – but knowing that I no longer have to act “strong” and put on a brave face, and still have love and support around me makes the long journey that much more easier. Let me be the one to ask, how are you feeling today? If you genuinely need someone to chat to, you know where my inbox is – please do not hesitate to unload your vents on to me. I am extremely good at consoling others, just not great at consoling myself. I think the future is looking bright for people suffering from mental health. There are so many new initiatives popping up in support of people needing to reach out, and plenty of resources you can take advantage of, if you’re feeling “off”. They’re there. So take advantage of them! This initiative from Soften the Fck Up, is a fantastic real-time tool that we can all contribute to! howisaustraliafeeling/
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 02:17:41 +0000

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