WORLD PRAYER! Im begging you Lord to recognise us against - TopicsExpress


WORLD PRAYER! Im begging you Lord to recognise us against sinking hearts and troubled hearts. We are being drawn to empty faith due to technological praying tac tics coming from human thougths and plans. Deliver us frOm being Soul trapped and eye shaded by evil minded ants and lizards for they are nothing but hungry puppets crowling and seeking survival from our dear pockets. We are still searching how to pray You in the proper way to attain our resting places in Heaven. Im praying for the cursed hearts of #Chineese relatives and all people who are still having a portion of faith that they are going to see the missing aeroplane with their relatives alive. Oh! Lord its so painful and hard to loose our mates that way. Im praying for the Debris Plane (Malaysian aeroplane )search to get to an open space and some parts of it to float on top of Oceanic waters, so as to be seen easily as people use their machines in searching. Some people are not sleeping Lord ;( and we are all crying to gain our mates back and plan together and now ;( Lord, .give us intelligence and more power to attain them back through your Holly Spirit. You tought us that if something is said and seen before it happens, a bridge must be sawn ahead and some are shinning with shineless prophesis , saying , #l_saw_it_before_and_told_you_about_it. Then ask them what they did about it and prove to people , what type of prophets they are before we get lost. Is it how we pray, Father? Oh Lord have mercy with us and work out against doom prophets as we are going wild to bushes, of loneliness and really desperate indeed to attain back your lovely voice in us like you did to Moses , Aarons brother way back. Im praying for #lraq , #DRC , #lran and #Palestinean wars to end up in command and have a peaceful nature in the #World. Lord, look how the #Somalians are surviving in such a war world of their environment. Its really painful Father , deliver us from doomed knowledge to an open smooth life. Father, your #ZIMBABWEAN voices are calling from bushes ;house and everywhere else in tears to acquare your lost love back and soften a hardened life , aswell as restoring our hardship issues. Now, look- my dear Father; because of instability, people tend to leave to other countries for survival . Lord remember us and wipe up our tears as we lost our mates in South African mine colapse last month as about 21 souls left us crying ;(. Even South Africa ,Lord- its your bearing and loving country but people within it are not well sure that a human being is so important since they just kill others in negligance. #Equatorial_Guinea is your country and needs to be strenghten in prayers as we do have it in prayers aswell- stabilise it to higher levels and solve all its disputes to avoid sufferings. Im also praying for #llitrea , as forgotten land as its down because of hunger and some of its people are loosing hopes of good life as compared to other countries. Be with us Father! We need your power to conquor our heart for us to see the future and bring back our love and carings- for you are our dear and End -not Father in Heaven. Pour us love and teach us good things. Flesh without Soul is dead , likewise; prayers without faith , works not! I love you Lord! Be in my heart and draw me into your love! Thank you ,Lord. Im your crying;( and wishing son; Kudzi Mbauya. AMEN:
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 14:49:54 +0000

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