WORLD TRAVELERS NEEDED FOR A PROJECT: CHOOSE LOVE OVER FEAR For those of you who have always wanted to travel the world and help others in a profound and fundamental way (and have some income-earning possibilities as well), I have a project you might be interested in. My name is David, and I’m an American English teacher (as well as a corporate trainer and life coach) who is currently living in Bilbao, Spain. This year (2014) I wish to embark upon a long journey—a long-term project—and I need some like-minded people to join me. This project represents a dream of mine: to put my deepest personal beliefs into action in a way that allows me to help others in a profound manner while traveling the world (and earning some money) at the same time. I am calling this project: “Choose Love Over Fear”. Why? Because in every moment of our lives, I believe we all have essentially one choice: love or fear. We can either make a decision that expands love and enhances the well-being of ourselves and those around us or one that contracts this loving energy—through fear—at a cost to ourselves and others. This fundamental Truth, shared, I believe, by all major religions and creeds, serves as a way to unite people rather than divide. My goal is to simply focus on what I believe we all have in common (desire to expand love in our lives) instead of what divides us (specific dogmas); I wish to promote this principle—free of any religious, political, social, or business agendas—and, by doing so, help people find the love, happiness, and deepest fulfillment that we all want and deserve. I am looking for truly adventurous souls who share my vision and convictions and who are interested in committing to all or part of my project. In essence, the project would involve long-term traveling while promoting this idea of choosing love over fear in various ways, including short seminars (classes, discussions) taught through organizations such as Couchsurfing (CS) as well as open public presentations in town squares and streets. The idea is to teach, learn from, love, and share with the people we encounter in the places we visit and even document their stories of how they are choosing love over fear. While each seminar and presentation would be freely given with no attachments, we would ask for assistance (financial or otherwise) from those who could help us get to our next destination and continue documenting our journey. In addition, there would surely be opportunities in the future to earn some money through written articles, website traffic, and seminars (classes). (Note: While the focus of this project is on helping others, we all need to earn a living. I am confident there will be money-making opportunities along the way if we commit to helping people first.) The project and journey would start some time this summer, possibly in mid-June (after I complete my teaching obligations) in some European city, possibly Paris. We would proceed to move from city to city through Europe and possibly beyond. While the itinerary has not been set yet, the idea is to embark upon a journey around the world. But the first part could be in Europe this summer, and this is what I wish to focus on now. In short, I am looking for people with a high level of English who meet the following criteria: **Those who share my beliefs, vision, and mission **Those who wish to travel the world **Those who are very adventurous and active **Those who are reliable, responsible, and mature **Those who are authentic, sincere, and down-to-earth **Those who are compassionate, kind, and loving **Those who are willing to face and overcome their own personal fears **Those who are willing to Couchsurf, hitchhike, and do what’s necessary to travel on a budget **Those who can contribute to this project in some way: teaching, yes, but also marketing (promotion), website creation, digital documentation (including video), and skills associated with the planning and logistics of traveling long distances. This project is well underway; the website is nearly developed. I need people who are ready to commit to, help create, and carry it out. Everything worthwhile ever created in this world had its beginning, and usually needed time to fully develop and be successful. This project will likely be no different. But it will most definitely bring immense satisfaction and joy as well as some financial compensation for those who are willing to invest their time, energy, and love into it. When we look at the state of the world today and the fear that pervades it, we know that this kind of project is sorely needed. And I feel confident that with Love as our guide and focus, we cannot fail. If you are interested, please send me a message and I will give you more information about me and my project. Thank you. I look forward to meeting you. Warm Regards, David
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 04:27:21 +0000

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