WORLDWIDE SACRED ASSEMBLY, Day 1 ARE YOU A GOD SEEKER? “If My people who are called by my name will humble themselves, and pray, and SEEK MY FACE, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin and heal their land” (2 Chron 7:14). What is a “God seeker?” “A God seeker” can be someone who is simply looking for His mercy and favor. However, it can also refer to someone who has a passionate desire for God Himself. Such people seek the Shekinah, the tangible glory of God’s presence. David was a Shekinah seeker. He wrote,“O God, You are my God. Early I will seek You. My soul thirsts for You. My flesh longs for You in a dry and thirsty land where there is no water. So I have looked for You in the sanctuary, to see Your power and Your glory” (Psalm 63:1,2,NKJV). At one time, God’s Shekinah glory resided in the Holy of Holies, an inner room of the tabernacle. Only once a year, could the veil to this sacred room be lifted by the High Priest as he entered to make sacrifices for the people. When Jesus was crucified, He became our High Priest. As the skies darkened on that fateful day, a divine earthquake ripped the veil apart, signaling that all of God’s people now had direct access to the God’s glory. It is God’s desire that we push past the veil into His glorious, tangible presence. In Tozer’s classic book, “The Pursuit of God,” he writes, “At the heart of the Christian message is God Himself waiting for His redeemed children to push into a conscious awareness of His presence.” When God begins to pour out His Spirit on receptive souls in revival, they long to be in His presence, and they long to be in communion with Him in prayer (Zech 12:10). We are seeing the beginnings of this hunger for God and His holiness around the world! Praise God! If you are a God seeker, you will earnestly desire to push past the torn veil into the presence of God. You will humble yourself in prayer, praise and worship and seek His face. If you do not have this passion for God, pray for it. Those who earnestly seek His presence will not be denied. Once you have found the ecstasy of God’s tangible presence, you will never want to leave the Shekinah. Let us pray: “Father God, I pray for these dear people who are joining this Sacred Assembly in order to pray for a heaven sent revival in their lives and in their nations. I pray they earnestly desire to seek Your face. I pray for a Spirit of prayer to be poured out on their willing hearts. I ask that You stir up their spirits into a fiery passion to seek Your presence.” “Father God, Your glory appeared once as a pillar of fire. I pray that as these, Your people passionately seek your presence, You will make them “flames of fire” (Psalm 104:4) that will ignite a firestorm around the world. Let it be greater than the firestorm that drove the great reformers like Luther, Whitefield, and Wesley. I pray that this is the generation of people who seek You!” “It is for Your glory, and Your honor and Your praise that I ask. In Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN.” Prayer warriors, are YOU God seekers? Invite your family, friends and prayer partners to join our WORLDWIDE SACRED ASSEMBLY during our "11 Days Ablaze" when we pray for personal and national revival. Dr. Cheryl Rickards President, Warrior Bride International PS: Thank you for your prayers for my recovery. Please pray protection for my mind, as I am having trouble with memory.
Posted on: Sun, 01 Sep 2013 20:47:09 +0000

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