WORLDWIDE VEGAN ALERT 2,781,000,000,VEGANS IN THE WORLD BY THE END OF 2019 HOW THIS COULD HAPPEN FOR SURE!! “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.” Albert Einstein IMAGINE THIS THE POPE’S CELEBRATION OF LIFE ON HIS BIRTHDAY DECEMBER 17TH A GENUINE EXPRESSION OF LOVE AND CONCERN FOR THE HEALTH AND WELFARE OF EVERY PERSON AND EVERY ANIMAL ON EARTH? On December 17th His Holiness Pope Francis will celebrate his birthday. The following message to Pope Francis includes a very conservative and realistic prediction of what will happen If Pope Francis announces to the World in St. Peter’s Square, on His Birthday, that he recently decided to become a vegan, for his personal health and welfare. Hoping that the precedent that he sets will also help to improve and protect the health and welfare of billions of people, and billions of animals throughout the World, as well as to help improve and maintain the health and welfare of the Earth. The only home that all humans and animals have to live on. Hopefully, after reading the following message, and messages from vegans throughout the World, His Holiness Pope Francis will decide that he is also not afraid of new things, and announces to the World on his birthday that he is a vegan.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 17:24:40 +0000

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