WORSHIP...How important is it really? By Pius Joseph A GLIMPSE - TopicsExpress


WORSHIP...How important is it really? By Pius Joseph A GLIMPSE INTO THE HALL OF JUDGMENT: WHAT I SAW AUGUST 20TH, 2013 I found myself in an empty hall on a chair as I was worshiping the Lord in the early morning hours. The hall was empty. And there was no one insdie of the hall. I reclined on the chair and suddenly, a screen appeared before me. The screen was segmented into several columns. Each column carried different aspects of my christian life. Jesus appeared and folded his hands across his chest. I settled my gaze on the screen. The heading of the columns carried many aspects of my christianity. I knew for sure that I was sitting in the HALL OF JUDGMENT. I saw different columns: UNREPENTANCE, PREACHING, OBEDIENCE, WORSHIP, SERVICE, ETC. As the realization of this consciousness fell on me, I crumbled on my knees asking for mercies. For the first time, Jesus spoke. "THERE IS NO REPENTANCE IN THIS PLACE. YOU ARE HERE TO BE JUDGED FOR ALL YOUR DEEDS, BE THEY GOOD OR BE THEY BAD." I recast the fixity of my eyes on the screen. The first aspect of my Christianity that came under judgment was my SERVICE as an usher in my local church. I saw that some of the ushers folded their hands as I go around waking people up who might have fallen asleep during sermon. I was never comfortable with parents and children bringing sweets to the church. I go round in the church during service and picked them and tugged them into my pocket. Even a piece paper never passes my eyes. I pick them up. I NEVER KNEW THAT GOD WAS OBSERVING ME. I saw myself walking in the church. After that scene of service on the screen was completed, a green mark appeared on the top of the screen and marked me "FAITHFUL". In th column of UNREPENTANCE, it ran for a while and then stopped. There was no iniquity I had not repented from. The next column was for OBEDIENCE. I saw the instructions that the Lord had given me to carry out. I notice how I was running to carry out the commands of the Lord. I looked at the face of Jesus with his hands folded across his chest. He too was absorbed in looking at the screen speechlessly. When the screen finished playing that aspect of my life. A large green marked appeared on the top of the screen: "I AM PLEASED" the green mark ran. PREACHING of the gospel was the next column. I watched in long silence as the comand go and preach the gospel began to play. Various ways of how I ministered to people both online on facebook and on the street were shown to me. "I AM PLEASED" a large green mark ran atop the screen. Then I saw myself on earth during WORSHIP and PRAYERS times. I looked at how distracted my worhsip had been. I never knew that that aspect of my life was being carefully recorded in the anals of heaven. "TOO DISTRACTED" a red line marked on the top of the screen. REWARDS It was time for me to be rewarded for my service on earth. An angel brought a five crows on a platter. The crows were arranged according their sizes. The Lord picked the third crown of gold and put it on my head. I wondered in deep puzzlement why the Lord didnt put the biggest crown which was the first and put it on me. Knowing my thoughts, he answered: "YOU HAVE BEEN FOUND VERY UNFAITHFUL IN WORSHIP, WHICH IS THE VERY PURPOSE OF YOUR CREATION. DISTRACTED WORSHIP IS NO WORSHIP AT ALL." He went on, "THE MORE UNFAITHFUL YOU ARE IN ANY ASPECT OF YOUR CHRISTIAN LIFE, THE LESS YOUR REWARD IN HEAVEN" When I saw this vision this morning, I wept in teary eyes of repentance. I pleaded with God to help me worship him with a focused heart. YES THIS IS MY FATE WHO WAS DISTRACTED IN WORSHIP ONLY. I wondered for those who dont worship God at all. HELP ME OH MY GOD TO BE FAITHFUL. My heart is heavy even as I write down this vision. I NEVER WANTED TO SHARE IT BUT THE LORD SAID I HAVE TO SHARE IT.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 18:05:45 +0000

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