WORSHIP SONG for WEDNESDAY - Todays worship song is written from - TopicsExpress


WORSHIP SONG for WEDNESDAY - Todays worship song is written from the perspective of one of the most important people of the Christmas story. She is not that central person because that position is reserved for JESUS only but without her fulfilling her God given role, the story would be quite different. The person is Mary and I doubt that anyone is unfamiliar with her and how God used her to bring the Savior into the world. When reading the story as recorded in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke there are several commendable things I find out about this woman of God. The first thing is that Mary was not afraid to ask questions and to wonder about things. When Mary was told that she was to bring forth a Child, her question was, “How can this be?” Even though she was young, she knew the facts of life, understood Biology 101 and asked how she could get pregnant without ever having been with a man. Questions are not always bad and I really believe that when asked with the right spirit, questions are actually pleasing to God. To question His authority or His wisdom is one thing but to sincerely desire to understand spiritual things is another. Jesus had no time for foolish questions asked with the wrong motive but to those of a humble heart who wanted to gain spiritual understanding He was patient. Do you and I have a heart of humility but yet are we secure in our relationship with God that we can ask questions with a sincere heart? Later on in the Christmas story, Mary “pondered” the things she was told and listened in amazement when Simeon’s comments in the Temple caused her and Joseph to pause and reflect on the immensity of their Son being the very Son of God in human flesh and how it would effect their lives also. Don’t ever be fearful of asking sincere questions and don’t ever lose the wonder of it all! Secondly, Mary was a woman of obedience. When she heard what her role would be she said, “I am the handmaiden of the LORD, let it be to me according to HIS Word!” Mary was obedient even in the face of scorn, in the face of adversity and in the face of sorrow. She was used to bring forth the Messiah, nursed Him, took care of HIM, taught HIM, raised HIM, followed HIM and allowed God to use HIM for HIS will. Mary was at the cross at the end and her last act of faithfulness to her Son was to watch Him die. Simeon’s words, “and a sword shall pierce your heart also” probably rang loudly in her ears and every tear she shed was living proof of that. What a woman! And the last mention of Mary is found in the Book of Acts as she is praying with the early Church, blending in, living as she described herself, a “handmaid of the LORD!” An obedient woman, full of wonder and full of God’s Spirit. And thirdly, Mary was a woman of the WORD! Read her “song” as recorded in Luke 1 and note the spiritual understanding she had. Note the knowledge of the Old Testament she exhibits and note the passion of her heart. She knew the Book and along with Joseph taught Jesus the Word of God. When Christ announced Himself as the Messiah, He spoke from the Prophet Isaiah and no doubt learned the WORD first from His Mother Mary. And Mary, being a woman of the WORD knew her place and HIS place exampled as she said, “HE that is mighty as done great things and from now on all generations shall call me blessed!” Mary knew that God was the MIGHTY One and that her role was a result of HIS blessings and not her merit. In fact, she also said, “My heart rejoices in GOD My SAVIOR!” Again I said, what a woman!
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 12:03:45 +0000

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