WORST. GENERATION. EVER. Because most of you dont really pay - TopicsExpress


WORST. GENERATION. EVER. Because most of you dont really pay attention to whats happening in the world around you. You think school is lame and that living is getting high, and drunk, and constantly partying. But when it comes to it none of us, yes us because I myself am included, even have our lives together enough to be able to pay rent in a timely manner. We live pay check to pay check working shitty minimum wage jobs. Our school systems are supposedly top notch yet there are a very minimum amount of teacher who truly care about the childs education. We are told to ask questions to learn and make connections, right? Then why, when I was in my high school history class, was I called annoying for trying to ask more about Attilla the Hun? I was interested in what my teacher was saying and I raised my hand, being the inquisitive girl I am, and asked more about it. Now I cant remember off hand the exact words I used, but I can tell you it was a legitimate question. My teacher said Ariahnah, stop asking questions, youre being annoying. Yet we have grandparents, and parents, who ask us why we arent making good money and why we cant find jobs. This is why. America is a piece of shit country now. It is not what it once was, and it truly does make my heart ache. I am so angry at society today. The prejudice, the judgement, the fear, its all so infuriating. My heart goes out to the people who are put through unfortunate circumstances and have absolutely no resources to better themselves with. Or the innocent people who have lost their lives because of law enforcement. They are supposed to protect us, yet we live in fear. Its a cold, cutthroat world we live in today. I pray that everyone dear to me can reach their idea of success. Hopefully my generation starts to open their eyes, and begin to care more about the world around them. Hopefully we can be the generation that changes this country for the better.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 04:46:34 +0000

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