WORTH ANOTHER SHARE... PASS IT ALONG, PLEASE She did not fail - TopicsExpress


WORTH ANOTHER SHARE... PASS IT ALONG, PLEASE She did not fail to mention nearly all of the potential GOP contenders for the 2016 Presidential Election and none of the Democratic Contenders. She did however point out that those she mentioned are supposed to be representing our CONSERVATIVE or GOP points of view. True enough. Technically though, through effective communications and negotiations every elected representative from every political party is supposed to be representing ALL of us and all of America... and even more important, all that is GOOD FOR AMERICA. Black Caucus? What the hell is that? Racist and one sided in name alone. A subversive organization within our own country. Thats what it is and there is no other way to slice it. This is where we have a breakdown. Yes, a very serious breakdown in our Government. I want to say that every single problem that America has, be it Jobs or the lack thereof, industrial flight to foreign countries, Open borders, out of control immigration, oppressive taxes, political spying on the general public, a criminal media who create news for profit rather than simply reporting it, run amok monopolies of every product in the world, unregulated and out of control government agencies, government land grabbing, failed mortgages, bankrupt banks, failing schools, entitlrment mentalities, racisism running rampant in our streets, flooded cities, endless wars and a thousand other problems that I could mention is a collective problem of all politicians but unfortunately thats only partially true. They did in fact create all of the mess but the real question is, WHO PUT THEM THERE? WHO LEAVES THEM THERE TERM AFTER TERM? and who sits idly by as AMERICA circles the drain. Lobbiests? Hell yes, they are a major part of our problem. They literally OWN a sizeable percentage of our elected representatives. Their money and perks keep them in office so long as they remain useful to the cause. They are responsible for ENDLESS wars. Why? Because long wars make a hell of a lot more money than a war that is over within a few months... thats why. Human lives mean nothing to them. They are responsible for OBAMA CARE. They are responsible for lost jobs, lost insurance policies and rising insurance rates. Yes, lobbiests! Do you know what one is? Most of them are now, well go figure, former politicians just like Eric Cantor. The Gravy Train continues. Why dont the GOP candidates whisper a word about any of this? Well, if you do your all of your homework the answer is very clear... because they would never get elected or re-elected and they know it because they also know that most Americans are to cheap to send in a $5.00 contribution or for that matter to even get up off of the couch. Unfortunately, there is so much more to it than you might think. Yes, by the MILLIONS, the AMERICAN PUBLIC IS RESPONSIBLE FOR OUR OWN DEMISE. Another Election period is upon us. What will you do? Research or take the easy way out? Wake up America. It is past time to get up off the couch. It is past time to make time. And while at it, consider whatever contribution you can afford to a politician who has their heart in the right place... that place is not the welfare office or the admission of more ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS for you to pay for. That place is OUR COUNTRY, the United States of America, first and foremost. God Bless America!
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 19:46:01 +0000

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