WORTH READING TAKE THE TIME: It is notable that out of the 1000 - TopicsExpress


WORTH READING TAKE THE TIME: It is notable that out of the 1000 plus people on my Facebook, a tiny fraction regularly click “like” and even less actually comment. There are a number of reason why people dont. When people sincerely examine real close their reasons and motives you will discover that some dont because they are introverts the rest have a range of reasons. It would certainly be unreasonable to expect people to respond to everything that is written on Facebook, there would be no time in the day for anything else. When we dare to be honest with ourselves the possibility of coming across the truth multiplies. Some say they have no time. Actually that is a lie if we are honest. EVERY person decides where they place their time and energy, so it is not true we dont have time, what is true is we decided to place our time and energy elsewhere and that is ones choice. We seldom see how much time we waste on mundane things that are not important and then we do what is not really important. I am guilt of this are you? Answer yourself. I am not here to dictate how you should spend your time that is not my job and not my desire to micromanage people’s lives that would take up too much of life and would not be loving. I suggest this, there are something’s more worthy of our time - issues to improve the world for example. I am not proposing you go pick up a sign and march, I suggest a more personal approach, get involved in public dialog. Additionally, attempt to understand other people. Your voice is important on a local level like on Facebook. HOW? WHY? It is important that you input your voice/message to others in a kind, respectful way, because only by attempting to understand beyond, they want the opposite of me and that ends that discussion. It is important to communicate. That means a back and forth of ideas and possible solutions, not name calling and slander. If you feel your skills of communication are poor, it will not improve unless you practice so take part; No one starts off with eloquence. Again I will repeat it takes practice. You may discover through conversations logic and reasoning you may never have come up with on your own. Do your best to be kind. Ask for help. When you approach a topic that is charged avoid words that conveys that you only have the answer example sounds like “that’s just the way it is”. This kind of posturing is conducive to communicating with others. It feels good to express yourself well. I am grateful that I have had some, what I consider really smart people challenge my concepts of life. If they had not I would not know truly what I believe; for I have better understood myself through these seemingly difficult conversations. Attitude is very important. Deciding I am right and you are wrong is a sure fire way to stay ignorant always - Be open not stupid. Many have found this advice to be helpful - Ask, How do you mean? this question allows you more of a chance to allow others to give you details that can clarify things. Doing this will help you to not look stupid because you jumped to the wrong conclusion. If the cyber world community becomes more interested in intelligent dialog this could be transferred in to the real world and just maybe we can change the world. What do you think? I would like to hear from you, especially if you seldom or never comment.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 09:32:39 +0000

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