WOULD YOU BELIEVE.... The Germans built a time machine in 1922 - TopicsExpress


WOULD YOU BELIEVE.... The Germans built a time machine in 1922 for communicating with Aldeberan? Aliens helped the Nazis build flying saucers? Aliens gave Hitler a cloned army of stormtroopers? Nikola Tesla had offf-planet friends? WWII was an extraterrestrial battle? The surviving Roswell alien helped us communicate with Serpo in Zeta Reticuli? Ex-nazi scientists helped us develop anti-gravity aircraft in the fifties? President Eisenhower turned down a deal with extraterrestrials? We sent 12 American astronauts to Zeta Reticuli on an alien space ship in 1965? Grey aliens are cross-breeding with humans to develop a hybrid race? We invaded Iraq to get control of a stargate? We are helping the Martians to develop a glass-enclosed city? We have had colonies on the Moon and Mars since 1962? The aliens are really time travelers? The Great Pyramid of Giza was built using alien science and technology?
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 09:22:04 +0000

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