~*~” WOULD YOU LIKE PEPPER ON YOUR AUSTERITY MEAL? COURTESY OF THE BANKSTERS FOR YOUR MEAL TIME, TIME-LINE. You Know The U.K. Banking Standards Commission Say’s That Bankers Behaving Badly Should Possibly One Day Maybe Out In The Far Distant Future Perhaps Face Jail For Reckless Misconduct, In The Mean Time That Same State Today Right Now It Treats Protesting The On-going Crime Wave Of Those Same Bankers Behaving Badly Like This In OAKLAND (Photo: BRIAN NGUYEN Shown) Pepper Spray. In ISTANBUL Pepper Spray (Photo: REUTERS), In BRAZIL (Photo: JAMES HIDER) Pepper Spray No Court No Charges, Just Summery Execution Of Pepper Spray To The State, This Year The Global Insurrection Has Spread To EAST ISTANBUL To DE LA VILLE DE, STACY. Stacy: Here As We Are In LONDON You Can See All The Protests Going On All Around The World Whether It’s Been In AMERICA Or CAIRO Or In, Now ISTANBUL And BRAZIL, You See Lines Of Riot Police, Perimeter Fences And Pepper Spray And Tear Gas, Why Are The Bankers Able To Show Up At Work Every Single Day Without A Gas Mask On? Without PEP DE MISOL All Over Their Face Trying To Protect Themselves From Tear Gas? Max: STACY, The Crimes Of The Bankers Over The Past 5 Years In Particular Have Resulted In In A Mass Of Wealth Confiscation Sometimes Outright, As Indications Of CYPRESS M.F.GLOBAL. Resulting In Poverty, People On the Street Protesting Who Now Get Pepper Sprayed In The Face, That Is The Direct Result Of The Crime Wave, The U.K. Saying Someday We May Put These Guy’s In Jail, They Don’t Make The Connection Between What They’ve Done They Don’t See The Connections Between Their Actions And The Results And That’s The Biggest Crime Of All. Stacy: And Of Course I Want To Show A Image That Really Captures What’s Really Going On (Photo: talkingpointsmemo) Here That Shows All Around The World, It Says ‘BRAZIL Woke Up!’ And You Know In The Past Two Weeks BRAZIL Has Seen 250,000 People Out In The Streets Protesting Because The Transportation, Health Services, Education Security Despite Having The Tax Going Up Are All Declining For Them Because Of The Bankster Occupation Because The Crime Wave Over The Past Few Years, The Past Two Decades By The Banksters Has Gone Unpunished. Max: That’s Right, On This show STACY We Introduced The Idea Of The Global Insurrection Against The Banker Occupation. We Saw In The ARAB Spring, We Saw It In WINCONSON, We See it In DETROIT, We See It In EUROPE, We See It In GREECE, Now We See It In BRAZIL It’s In SOUTH AMERICA Now, It’s Truly Becoming A Global Insurrection. This Is The First Global Insurrection In History, We’ve Had Revolutions But This Is The First Global Insurrection Against Banking Occupation. Stacy: And Now In The U.K. It’s Ground Zero Of Bankster Occupation, By The Way This Is Where All The Fraud Happens Through Here, And As You Said At The Top Of The Show, Usnews: U.K. Banking Commission Urges Better Standards, British Bankers Could Soon Be Facing Harsher Penalties For Behaving Badly. Stacy cont: This Commission Was Formed In The Aftermath Of One Of the Largest Financial Conspiracies In History Which Was The Rigging Of Global Interest Rates Through L.I.B.O.R. (The LONDON Inter-Bank Offered Rate) Hundreds Of Trillions Of Dollars Market And They Formed This Commission To See What They Could Do And The Recommendations Was That They Should Possibly Consider Throwing These People In Jail For Reckless Misconduct. (It Beggar’s Believe, They Should Have Been Instantly Slammed Under Arrest Until It Had Been Fully Investigated And Gone Through A Curt Of Law With A Jury-Not A Secret Court!). Max: Right, This Is The Way MUBARAK (EGYPT’S Overthrown President) Thought Before Revolution In EGYPT, This Is The Way Leaders In BRAZIL Now They’ve Got A Revolution On Their Hands, This Is The Way People Around The World Think That A Entrenched Plutocracy, Like In The U.K. So They Are Feeling Decent Here In The U.K. With This Very Minimalistic Approach To Banking Terrorism And The Result Will Probably Be Similar, Some Type Of Insurrection, Now I Won’t That This Is A Bit Of A Change Than What Has Been Rhetoric Until Very Recently. Remember Folks Like BORIS JOHNSON Up Until Recently The Mayor Of LONDON Who’s Office You See Behind Me (Near The LONDON BRIDGE) Who Say We Have Got To Stop Banker Bashing We Need These Guy’s To Contribute To The Economy, At Least They’re Gone Of That And Realising That There’s No Limit To The Banker Bashing That’s Appropriate When There’s A Wave Of Financial Terrorism As They Are dealing With Here In The U.K. Stacy: And If You Look However At The Rhetoric Coming From Downing Street (Number 10 And 11 Prime Minister And The Chancellor Of the Exchequers Residence Respectively) Or The Press Compare It At Now They Did Treat The Rioters In The Streets Of LONDON As We Covered BIRMINGHAM And MANCHESTER A Few Years Ago, Two Years Ago There Were Riots Across The U.K. Here They Say, Usnews: After A Year Which Has Seen Major Scandals Involving Rate-Rigging, Money-Laundering, And Rouge-Trading Rock The U.K.’s Financial Industry, An Influential Parliamentary Committee Recommended Wednesday That Senior Bankers Should Be Held More Accountability For Their Banks Actions. One Measure, It Said, Should Be a New Criminal Offense Of Reckless Misconduct One That Could Carry A Prison Sentence. (Could Carry A Prison Sentence? Should Be a Heavy Prison Sentence Without A Doubt-Look What Happened To The Rioters That Took Advantage And Stole A Bottle Of Water They Got Slammed For It-What Makes It That These Banker Criminals Get Preferential Sentencing). Stacy cont: So There’s All These Qualifier’s And They Also Say They’re Major Scandals Not Major Crimes Of Money Laundering, Rate-Rigging And Etc. Max: Right, Again They Don’t Want To Make The Connections Between The Results Which Would Be The LONDON Riots Of The Last Couple of Years And The Rate-Rigging And The Criminality In The City Of LONDON They Realise To Make The Connection. So I Say To Them Dough Boy CAMERON (Prime Minister) Or Butt Creak BORIS (BORIS JOHNSON Mayor Of LONDON) Or Nincompoop OSBORNE (GEORGE OSBORNE Chancellor Of The Exchequer), Don’t Be Surprised When You Wake Up And You Click On The B.B.C. (BRITISH BROADCASTING COMPANY) One Day And There’s A Hundred Thousand People On The Street With Torches’ Looking For The Perpetrators Of This Financial Holocaust. Stacy: Well In Fact The Treasury Minister GREG CLARK Told The B.B.C. That, Usnews: The Report Was An Impressive Piece Of Work And It’s Recommendation’s Would Be Carefully Considered, Dismissing The Notion That It Would Be Shelved Once Frustration With The Banks Had Died Had Died Down. Max: Well For Me It’s Heartening Because Of The Time Line Of The Global Insurrection Is Going To Hit The U.K. In The Time, Believe It Will Be Because This Is Why We Are Here Doing Our Show, We’re On The Front Line Of This Insurrection And Revolution Against The Banksters Here, The Fact That They’ve Come Out With This Report Shows The Time Line Is In Place, You Know They’re Beginning To Smell The Fires Burning At The Ramparts………GAME ON.”~*~ This Write Up Was done By Blackhole Bridger All Comments In Enclosed Brackets Are My Responsibility Alone. There Is Much, Much More In Easy To Understand Language Without The Gobbledygook That They Try To Bamboozle You With. Todays Show Is Mins 25:44 Secs Long Your Hosts Are STACY HERBERT And MAX KEISER, MAX Also Interviews ZEUS YIAMOUYIANNIS Of citizenzeus About The Academy Award For Best Horror Fraud Going To Fraudclosure, The Used kitty Litter Collateral To Back The Global Financial System. So Get Into The Financial Know And Just Click Below. https://youtube/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=pncTBJ4SR2w
Posted on: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 03:49:48 +0000

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